SEO Experts See Advantages In A WordPress Site

Recently updated: January 5th, 2019

As developers or clients, we all must have heard the term WordPress several times. A few of us might have also tried to explore the depths of this term. And today we shall see why WordPress sites or WordPress based websites are advantageous from SEO perspective.

What is WordPress?

In technical terms, WordPress is an online, open source website creation tool written in PHP. It gained popularity with its free blog creation facility.  It is probably the easiest and the most powerful content management system (or CMS) in existence today. Over time, WordPress developers expanded its credibility and functionality to create more complex websites with little efforts. It can for as per the needs of the business organization with the ready creation of web pages and blog posts.

Which sites are created using WordPress?

The number of WordPress sites successfully functioning on the web is impressively huge. Many well-known sites and blogs are powered by WordPress. Famous blogs like Mashable, TechCrunch, etc. are running on WordPress. In fact, The New York Times, The Temple News, The Verge, Chicago Sun-Times etc. are extensive CMSs running on WordPress sites.

Why should we use WordPress?

The services of WordPress come free of cost. We can either download self-hosted installations from or we can use it as a hosted service via With this free CMS system, we are gifted with a variety of free plugins and a user-friendly interface. It is the one-stop destination for hosting, installation, themes and management do content.


What are the advantages of using WordPress site?

Besides the benefits of free plugins and user-friendly interface that WordPress sites come with, good SEO reception is another factor that WordPress sites incorporate. It ensures that you get indexed faster on the search engines and get a good profit from your WordPress site.

Several advantages of using WordPress sites are:

  1. Absolutely easy administration

Unlike other competitors of WordPress such as Wix, Drupal, Joomla, Ghost etc., the Content Management System (CMS) of WordPress is multiple times easier to work. It is tailored as per the needs and understanding of beginners, thereby facilitating easy administration of the WordPress powered site. The features and instructions are explained by the platform itself, making it as easy as clicking to operate.

  1. Self-sufficient functions

All the features provided in WordPress are intuitive and self-sufficient. Once you choose a theme, you already have a list of plugins such as Facebook page plugin, Instagram page plugin, twitter account plugin, etc. to make your site look more professional. Not just this, you can easily master how to operate these and see for yourself how the things are working. You might be amazed to see that even you can build a website.

  1. Security of website

Comparing WordPress based sites with other currently operating CMS platforms, it surely has an upper hand in terms of security. You get the https (hypertext transmission protocol security) associated with your URL with every WordPress site that you create. The major reason why people opt for WordPress is the least possible reports of security breaching on its sites.

  1. Variety of themes

This is certainly an incentive to the choice. It’s like a supermarket where you have something for everyone. Plenty of themes are waiting on WordPress to help you create an appealing site for your users. Each theme has a different orientation and hence a different SEO approach. It is important that you chose the most appropriate customization and theme for your business. It directly impacts your conversion.

  1. Responsive web design

With mobile traffic already surpassing ye normal desktop traffic and reaching to 70% of total users, responsive web design has become more necessary. A WordPress website design is automatically benefitted by responsive web technology. You eradicate the need to design different websites for different devices by using a WordPress site.

  1. Social media integration

Opting for WordPress theme websites gives you another advantage of ultimate social integration. You don’t need to log on to the social media profiles of your business to post the updates on them. Anytime you post on your website, the link automatically gets shared with them, keeping your social media communities active all through the year. This minimizes a lot of work. The combined advantages of good SMO and SEO have strengthened the roots of WordPress sites.

  1. Fresh content uploading

Not many websites are as robust as WordPress powered sites in terms of aggressive content marketing. The internet world has a great liking for fresh content. In such a scenario the facility to update and upload content from wherever and whenever you want is surely a blessing. With WordPress, you don’t need to go through the complicated steps. Frequent posting of fresh content will help you to build your credibility in your niche.

  1. Good site speed

The out of the box SEO features of WordPress help you squeeze out the tension of optimizing the page loading speeds of your website. The basic installation of A WordPress site or its creation with standard themes overcomes this issue as it loads quickly and efficiently. However, adding heavy content such as multiple videos on the same page may slow your site. But the WordPress themes are designed for keeping your site at zoom.

  1. Unique permalink structure

Don’t be confused. We are referring to the creation of clean, short and keyword rich URLs through manual customization. This helps in better understanding of the page’s content by the search engine crawler and hence, better impressions. WordPress allows the users to set their own permalink that point to a specific post or page. These permanent URLs can be easily shared and used.

And there are various additions taking place into WordPress platform every day. These additions are an attempt to incorporate the changes the world of SEO is going through and develop more search engine friendly websites.

This constantly researched development of the WordPress platform has established itself as an ideal platform for building blogs and e-commerce websites.

The future of SEO needs all website to be constructed in accordance with the best practices. Therefore, the SEO experts see the following advantages in building a WordPress site:

  • A mobile-friendly site with slow loading time and optimized content.
  • The freshness of content for displaying it in the search engine results.
  • An excellent user interface that contributes to the user engagement as well.
  • Creation of keyword rich URL that attracts search engines automatically.
  • Incorporation of the security feature in all websites, irrespective of the purpose they serve.
  • Facilitating aggressive content marketing, with quick sharing across all high traffic websites.
  • Easy navigation and indexing of web pages from the home page.
  • Clean and crawlable site architecture, fetching organic traffic through higher impressions.
  • Handy and easy to share permalinks that can be modified as per our need.

With so much loaded on the cart, a lot many SEO efforts can be minimized by opting a WordPress based site. You can ultimately focus your energies and channelize your efforts upon other significant aspects of popularizing your business rather than sitting on the website the entire day.

Are WordPress professionals required?

In the answer to a simple ‘no’, I would like to add, ‘only if you don’t want to add more features to your site.’ WordPress sites can e easily developed by any beginner or a non-geeky coder as it is just a click and done a platform. However, you might like a theme but you might be missing on some features that any other theme provides and then realize the need of a professional WordPress developer or WordPress Development Company. The moment you need some of your dream features visible on your site, you need a WordPress professional.

WordPress website cms

Can we make changes to the WordPress code?

Yes, that’s the best feature of WordPress. It is an open source platform, which means that anybody and everybody using WordPress can make changes in its code and add their own customized plugins, themes or widgets to the WordPress community. This means even you can make changes in its code, subject to your websites needs and better traffic results to the site.


Although WordPress comes with a lot of luck, you need to be updated with what is happening in the SEO world. You might need to change the layout and presentation of the website to meet the SEO needs. But that doesn’t lower the pros of having a WordPress site. You’ll feel more involved if you try doing it by yourself. However, when it concerns your business identity, please go for professional.

You can be doing smart work with just a smart decision. You may even contact various web developers to cross-check the cost-effectiveness and your requirements. Also, the time consumed in building a site from scratch is considerably huge for a business that is in need of a good website. WordPress sites are half built already. Just the additions and customizations of the themes are required. With the new year approaching, take up this resolution. It will make a great difference.

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Amit Mishra

Amit Mishra, the co-founder of Media Search Group, loves to pen down about marketing and designing. Be it search engine optimization(SEO) tips and strategies, Social Media Optimization, Increasing Engagement, and Traffic Score, Web Design and Development, Mobile Applications, Conversion/Sales, he covers it all. Been in the business for a long time, Amit Mishra knows some of the best strategies on how to expand and grow a Business Online.