
LinkedIn Advertising

LinkedIn is the biggest business networking site in the world. What makes it different from other social networking power houses, is the fact that you are dealing with people who only mean business

LinkedIn Advertising

LinkedIn is the biggest business networking site in the world. What makes it different from other social networking power houses, is the fact that you are dealing with people who only mean business. People logging on LinkedIn have a different mind-set. The conversations are more professional and geared towards partnerships and transactions.

Unlike other social media sites, everything is cantered around building businesses. LinkedIn is a strong competition to Facebook ads as LinkedIn ad platform's demographic is made up of decision makers.

How we market your business through LinkedIn?

We market your business in the following ways:-

  • Status Updates: We keep your connections informed about the happenings of your business by posting status updates. These brief statements would be pretty useful for your connections. Additionally, we would include links to related content on your Website or third-party Websites.
  • Posts: We will publish articles and blogs to your profile on your behalf. This will help you in establishing yourself as a industry leader in the market.
  • Publications: We will be promoting your already written and published books or e-books, by highlighting them with active links. Your connections can view and purchase your publications.
  • Presentations and Videos: We will be sharing your valuable items like PowerPoint presentations and YouTube videos on your LinkedIn handle.
  • Recommendations and Endorsements: We will be requesting recommendations and endorsements from your connections. These recommendations will significantly enhance your profile.
  • Projects: We will be highlighting your successful projects through posts that will include a description, link and the members you had teamed with.


  • Silver

    • Industry Related Groups
    • 10
    • Network Expand Request
    • 10 – 15 daily
    • Groups Comments
    • 5 Daily
  • GOLD

    • Industry Related Groups
    • 30
    • Network Expand Request
    • 20 – 30 daily
    • Groups Comments
    • 10 Daily

    • Industry Related Groups
    • 45
    • Network Expand Request
    • 40 – 50 daily
    • Groups Comments
    • 20 Daily
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