How to Advertise Your Cleaning
Business on Google

Google advertising for cleaning business is a smart way to increase brand exposure, get more calls, and boost your revenue. Why?
Google is the world’s leading online advertising platform, offering an 8:1 return on investment (ROI) to the businesses that use it for advertising. On the other hand, people who click on ads are 50 percent more likely to buy than organic site visitors. Plus, 90 percent of consumers said that ads influence their purchase decisions.
All these stats indicate that leveraging paid advertising is a great way to grow your customer base and bottom line.

In this blog, you will learn all you need to know to advertise your cleaning business on Google.

What is Google Ad Manager?

Google Ad Manager is a self-service ad platform to create and manage ad campaigns. You can easily create, launch, manage, and track your ads using this platform. Besides, Google Ad Manager supports AdSense, Ad Exchange, and third-party networks and exchanges.

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Benefits of Using Google Ad Manager

  • Allows you to set up display, video, and native ads on Google and partner sites
  • Provides robust reporting and analytics on ad performance
  • Gives control over targeting, budgets, placements, creatives, and more
  • Helps manage the entire ad lifecycle from creation to optimization

Google Ads come in different formats to cater to the unique requirements and preferences of digital marketing and businesses advertising their services and products.

Types of Google Ads

  • Search Ads - good for businesses trying to capitalize on commercial intent searches
  • Display Ads - great for companies who want to increase brand awareness
  • Video Ads - work well for businesses with hard-to-describe products and services
  • Shopping Ads - the best choice for e-commerce businesses
  • App Ads - applicable to online advertisers who have apps
  • Discovery Ads - a good option for businesses looking for new audiences with media-rich ads
  • Local Search Ads - great for businesses that want to attract users to call or visit their locations
  • Smart Ads - good choice for online advertisers with limited time
  • Local Services Ads (LSAs) - don’t run through the Google ads platform but appear on Google Search and drive leads to call or message your business

When advertising your cleaning business on Google, digital marketing experts may recommend running Google Local Services Ads. However, in many cases, you may also want to run Google Ads depending on your advertising goals and preferences.

Are Google Local Services Ads and Google Ads (PPC) the Same?

No, Google Local Services and Google Ads are different platforms. Let’s find out how these two ads are different from each other.

Google Ads vs. Google Local Services Ads

Google Ads:

Google Ads, previously called Google AdWords, is the main pay-per-click (PPC) advertising network where businesses bid on keywords.
For example, a cleaning company uses Google Ads to bid on general keywords like "cleaning services" to show text ads.

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Google Local Services Ads:

Google Local Services Ads specifically help service-based businesses advertise themselves in Google Search and Google Maps.
For instance, with Google Local Services Ads, they get a listing directly on Google Maps for searches like "cleaning services near me" to connect with local customers.

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Another major difference is that Google Local Services Ads has a pay-per-lead advertising model, while Google Ads works on a pay-per-click advertising model. In short, with Google LSAs, you will pay only if a searcher calls you, messages, or books directly through your ad.
Unlike Google Ads, Google Local Services Ads integrates the booking process and filters the leads geographically, giving cleaning businesses an efficient way to advertise to ready-to-book customers.

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What Are Google Badges in Local Services Ads?

When you sign up for Google Local Services Ads, Google vets your business with a detailed verification process. When you meet all the criteria, Google gives you a badge, depending on your business.
You can become a verified and Google-backed business by getting one of the three Google badges based on your services:

  • Google Guaranteed
  • Google Screened
  • License Verified by Google

Businesses that belong to the Home Services Industry are eligible to apply for the Google Guaranteed badge.
For professional service, care, learning, or wellness business, Google Screened badge can help tell prospective customers that the business is licensed and vetted by Google.
Businesses in the healthcare industry can apply for a License Verified by Google badge.

As a cleaning business, you can apply for Google Guaranteed Badge to build trust and online reputation among your potential customers by showing that you are a screened and qualified Google-backed business.

Understanding Google Local Services Ads in Detail

Why Use Google Local Services Ads to Advertise Cleaning Companies?

Google Local Services Ads are highly effective for cleaning companies because they target nearby searchers looking for local service providers. The ads prominently showcase:

  • Business Name
  • Star Ratings
  • Working Hours
  • Contact Info
  • Years in business

All this info makes it easy for interested leads to get in touch. Local Services Ads only appear when users search with a location like "cleaning services New York," so they attract commercial-intent leads ready to book.

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What Is Google Guarantee Program?

The Google Guarantee program vets and verifies businesses to confer a trusted green badge on their Local Services Ads. Google conducts background checks, license verification, and insurance confirmation for companies to earn the badge.
This badge signals to searchers that Google has validated the quality and reliability of that business. With Google Guaranteed Badge, potential customers become more confident in hiring that service provider.
An important aspect is that Google guarantees to provide leads. If a customer isn't satisfied, Google may provide up to $2000 reimbursement for the service. Earning the green badge enables cleaning businesses to stand out as qualified, trustworthy experts.

How to Get a Green Badge from Google for Your Cleaning Business?

To get the Google Guarantee green badge, you will first need to sign up for Google Local Services Ads. As a cleaning company, you will need to undergo the Google screening and verification process by:

  • Passing background screens for all employees
  • Providing documentation for all valid licenses
  • Showing general liability insurance coverage
  • Maintaining a Google My Business listing
  • Having a business website

Cleaning businesses should ensure they meet all eligibility criteria before applying. The badge signals trust and gives a major visibility boost on Local Services Ads.

How Does Google Local Services Ads Work?

Google Local Services Ads allow cleaning companies to promote their business directly at the top of search results in Google Search. When someone searches for a local service like "cleaning services in NYC," Local Services Ads display prominently at the top with your business name, contact info, and call-to-action button, such as Call, Message, or Book.
Google dynamically matches searches to relevant local service providers. Users can learn about your cleaning business, read reviews, and book services all directly through the ad unit. You only pay when a lead contacts your business by phone, message, or booking through the ad.
Local Services ads simplify the process of connecting local customers with providers like cleaning companies.

How to Set Up Google Local Services Ads for Your Cleaning Business?

Sign up for Google

Visit!/ to sign up and create an account. Tell Google that you offer cleaning services and add your business location. This information will help you appear in search results for local search queries related to cleaning services.

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Set your budget

Choose a daily budget and max cost-per-lead cap based on your cleaning services pricing. Decide how much you want to spend on these ads. Since Google guarantees leads through these ads, take the cost per lead into account when determining the ad spend. For instance, while a $500 budget with a $10 CPC can mean only 50 leads, a $1,500 budget with the same CPC can get you 150 leads, improving your bottom line.

Launch your ad and track its performance

No need to write ad copy or images. Just launch your ad and start getting new leads. You have control over these ads, so you can start and stop these ads based on your needs. You can check out reports to see if these ads are translating into leads, calls, and revenue.

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Understanding Google Ads in Detail

Why Use Google Ads for Advertising Cleaning Businesses?

Google Ads provides an effective way for cleaning companies to connect with potential customers right when they are searching for related cleaning services online.
Google Ads enables cleaning businesses to get their services in front of local searchers ready to book at the exact moment they are looking, making it a powerful tool to generate qualified leads.

Keywords Targeting

Google Ads allows cleaning companies to precisely target keywords related to their services like "office cleaning," "home cleaning," etc. This targets searchers actively looking for cleaning services.


Google Ads uses AI to show your ads to the most relevant searchers based on their queries and browsing history. This improves ad relevance.

Location Targeting

You can target ads geographically to only show for searches in your service area cities, zip codes, etc.


Google Ads provides robust tracking of impressions, clicks, calls, leads, etc. so you can optimize what's working.

How to Set Up Your Google Ad Account to Advertise Your Cleaning Business?

To start advertising your cleaning business on Google Ads, create an account at

  • Select your website URL, business info, and target locations.
  • Choose a budget and set up billing.
  • Then, create compelling text ads showcasing your cleaning services and benefits.
  • Launch campaigns around keywords people use to find cleaning companies.

Things to Do and Know Before Creating Google Ads for Your Cleaning Business

Conduct Keyword Research to Target the Right Demographics

Choosing the right keywords for your cleaning business and understanding match types is crucial for creating effective Google Ads campaigns.
While keyword research may seem complex, setting up a basic campaign to generate leads for a cleaning business doesn't have to be difficult.
The goal is to identify search terms that indicate high intent from users to request a cleaning quote or estimate. For example, good keywords could include:

  • House cleaning quote
  • Office cleaning estimate
  • Janitorial services pricing
  • Residential cleaning services near me
  • Apartment cleaning services in NYC

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These phrases suggest the searcher is actively looking to get pricing from cleaning providers, rather than just doing preliminary research.
When users search these commercial intent terms, they are ready to hire a cleaning service. Your Google Ads can then convince them your business is the best choice by highlighting your qualities and benefits on the landing page.
For these ready-to-buy searchers, make sure your ad copy focuses on your unique value proposition, glowing customer testimonials, and easy ways to contact you.
Now let's discuss the different Google Ads Match Types to understand how keywords trigger your ads:

Broad Match Modified

Your ad shows for searches containing your keywords or close variations. This gives some flexibility while still requiring an overall keyword theme. For example, the keywords "+cleaning +Philadelphia" would show your ad for searches like "Philadelphia cleaning services" or "cleaning companies in Philadelphia"

Broad Match

Your ad shows for any search even loosely related to your keywords. For example, "cleaning services" would show your ad for any search with "cleaning" or "services." This is too broad for most advertisers.

Phrase Match

Your ad shows for searches containing your exact keyword phrase or close variations. For example, "cleaning services Philadelphia" would show your ad for searches like "the best Philadelphia cleaning services." This matches some variations but maintains better relevancy.

Exact Match

Your ad shows only for searches of your exact keyword phrase. For instance, [social media marketing services] would only show your ad when users search for that precise term. This is the strictest match.

For most cleaning companies, phrase match and broad match modified tend to offer the best balance - maintaining relevance while reaching slight keyword variations. You should avoid broad matches to prevent wasted spend on irrelevant traffic.
When it comes to online advertising via Google Ads, research your keywords that indicate buyer intent and commercial interest from searchers. Combine match types strategically to optimize your Google Ads reach and performance.

Create a Landing Page and Thank You Page to Retain More Leads

Set up a tailored landing page where you can direct Google Ads traffic to fill out a lead gen form. This landing page will be a rather simpler page that allows visitors to get a free estimate, call your business, or enter details such as name, email, and phone number.
When creating landing pages for Google Ads, make sure they don’t direct users to some blog posts or a page that contain too much information.

What to Include in a Landing Page for Google Ads
  • Benefits of your service in short
  • Basic description of product/service features/what a customer will get in the package
  • USP of your company
  • Prices or special discounts if applicable
  • Testimonials or reviews for the same service/product
  • Highly visible call-to-action, such as a Clickable Contact button, a Contact Form, or a Book button

Once a user completes an action, direct them to a thank you or acknowledgment page so that the user can also know they have completed the process.

A Complete Step-by-Step Process of How to Set Up Google Ads

The main components are campaigns, ad groups, and ads. While campaigns have goals and settings, ad groups organize targeting and ads are your text/image promotions.

Here is how to set up Google Ads for your cleaning business:

  • Step 1 : Sign in to your Google Ad account.
  • Optimize Meta Descriptions and Headings of All Your Cleaning Services
  • Step 2 : Click on New Campaign.
  • Optimize Meta Descriptions and Headings of All Your Cleaning Services
  • Step 3 : Choose the goal of the campaign , or instance, sales, leads, website traffic, etc. and click Continue.
  • Optimize Meta Descriptions and Headings of All Your Cleaning Services
  • Select a campaign type
  • Optimize Meta Descriptions and Headings of All Your Cleaning Services
  • Step 4 : Enter the business website where you want the traffic to go and your business phone number. To improve tracking, you can also add a tracking link and tracking phone number instead of regular ones.
  • Optimize Meta Descriptions and Headings of All Your Cleaning Services
  • Step 5 : The next section is Bidding where you need to decide what your ad focus should be. If you are looking for more conversions, simply select conversions
  • Optimize Meta Descriptions and Headings of All Your Cleaning Services
  • Step 6 : On the next page, uncheck the two checkboxes for “Google search partners” and “Google display network” to avoid irrelevant clicks on your ads. Remember, with Google Ads, you are paying for every click, so each click matters.
  • Optimize Meta Descriptions and Headings of All Your Cleaning Services
  • Step 7 : Choose your target locations. Toggle on the option “People in or regularly in your targeted locations” to generate more qualified leads and for the Exclude option, choose “people in your excluded locations (recommended)”
  • Optimize Meta Descriptions and Headings of All Your Cleaning Services
  • Step 8 : Choose the English language or another language if your target audience speaks another language.
  • Optimize Meta Descriptions and Headings of All Your Cleaning Services
  • Step 9 : Also, choose audiences based on interest groups that Google offers, for instance, whether you want to target an audience that is actively looking for cleaning supplies, general contracting services, or something else.
  • Optimize Meta Descriptions and Headings of All Your Cleaning Services
  • Step 10: Click on “show more settings” to enter a start date and an end date for your ad. It is a good practice to mention the end date so that your ads turn off in case you forget to do that.
  • Optimize Meta Descriptions and Headings of All Your Cleaning Services
  • Step 11: Create Ad groups to advertise your cleaning business on Google. For a search ad, you will be asked to input different keywords and also get keyword ideas. Select those that are relevant to your ad and delete the rest of them.
  • Optimize Meta Descriptions and Headings of All Your Cleaning Services

    Along with keywords, you will also see the list of match-type descriptions, such as broad match, phrase match, and exact match. For best results, you can choose phrase match and exact match and avoid broad match as mentioned above.
    For instance, if you offer home cleaning services only, the phrase “commercial cleaning services” is not suitable for your ad and can lead to money wastage.

  • Step 12: Write the ad copy for your cleaning company to attract more prospective customers. When writing ad copy, remember the goal is to get someone to call you or visit your website and request an estimate. Optimize your ad copy with targeted keywords and highlight if you are offering a discount or special offer.
  • Optimize Meta Descriptions and Headings of All Your Cleaning Services
  • Step 13 : The next step is to set up Ad extensions. With these, you can add extra ad text around your ads and include phone number and other CTAs. These ad extensions are not necessary but can be useful.
  • Optimize Meta Descriptions and Headings of All Your Cleaning Services
  • Step 14: Choose the right budget for your ad. To simplify your ad spend, divide your total monthly ad budget by 30 to get an idea of how much you are spending daily to get leads from Google Ads. For example, if your total monthly budget is $1,500, your daily spend will be 1500/30 = $50. The cost of Google Ads may increase or decrease depending on the competitiveness of your business market and the bidding amount of your competitors.
  • Optimize Meta Descriptions and Headings of All Your Cleaning Services
  • Step 15: Test your Google Ads for cleaning services and optimize them to drive better results. Most professional online marketers test their ads using A/B testing to continually improve them for better results. A/B testing involves creating multiple versions of your ad with different text, offers, or targeting and comparing results of each version to find the best ones.
  • Optimize Meta Descriptions and Headings of All Your Cleaning Services

    By following the steps, you can begin running Google Ads for your cleaning company.

Things to Know Before Bidding for Desirable Keywords for Your Cleaning Business

When setting up Google Ads campaigns, most cleaning businesses instinctively want to bid higher amounts on the most desirable and commercial keywords like "professional house cleaning" or "commercial office cleaning service." However, when bidding for keywords, you must know how bidding for Google Ads works.
Simply bidding the maximum amount does not guarantee your ad will be shown or ranked highly. Google factors in other criteria beyond your bid amount when determining ad placement.
Relevance is a major component. Google wants to show users ads most related to their search even if those advertisers aren't bidding the absolute highest amounts. So if your landing page content, business info, and ad copy are highly relevant to a sought-after keyword, you may still rank well with a lower bid.
Quality score is another element that impacts your real bid amount. This score rates the previous performance and expected CTR of your ads. Ads with high-quality scores get a "discount" on their actual bid amounts. So a $1 bid from a 10/10 quality score ad could beat a $2 bid from a 6/10 quality scored ad. Improving relevance helps raise your quality score.
Competitor bids also impact costs but intelligent bidding can overcome somewhat higher competitor bids with the right optimizations. So, start with manual bidding and adjust up or down based on performance data. You can leverage Google's keyword planner for bid estimates as well.

Here are some tips when bidding on desirable keywords:

  • Don't assume max bids guarantee top placement. Relevance and quality score matter.
  • Refine targeting to bid higher on sub-segments of interest. For example, target "house cleaning services Seattle" vs. just "house cleaning".
  • Use manual bids at first and increase slowly based on metrics. You don’t need to exhaust your budget unnecessarily.
  • Analyze competitor ad placements and landing pages for better optimization.
  • Aim for first page placement then optimize for position.
  • Bid higher on branded and commercial terms compared to informational phrases.
  • Set rules to adjust bids automatically based on conversions, target CPA, etc.
  • With the right bidding strategy tailored to your business, you can compete for sought-after terms without overspending your budget.
  • Consistent tracking, refinement, and maximizing ad relevance enables you to bid competitively at efficient rates.

What Is a Good Conversion Rate for Cleaning Businesses on Google?

A good goal for cleaning businesses advertising on Google Ads is a conversion rate of around 2-5%. This means for every 100 people that click your ads, 2-5 submit a lead form, call your business, or complete another desired action. The exact conversion rate will vary based on the competitiveness of your market and how optimized your ads and landing pages are. Track your conversion rate in Google Ads and aim to improve it through testing. The ads that do best on Google can have conversion rates of more than 10%.

What is the Cost per Lead? How to Find Ideal Cost per Lead for Your Business?

Cost per lead (CPL) is calculated by taking the total advertising spend and dividing it by the number of leads generated. To determine a target CPL, first establish your customer lifetime value - how much revenue you can expect from a typical new customer. Then, allocate a CPL at around 10-30% of your customer LTV.
For example, if your average customer value is $1000, aim for CPL around $100-$300 scale.

What Is the Best Advertising Strategy for a Cleaning Business on Google?

Many companies start running Google Ads randomly and end up wasting a lot of money. It is a must to follow a good online advertising strategy to make your Google Ads a success.

Using the Right Keywords

You should research commercial intent keywords for Google Ads that potential customers usually use when searching for cleaning services. It is a good idea to target specific phrases like “move-out cleaning cost” instead of just “cleaning services.”.

Evaluate Customer Value

Determine metrics like lifetime value and set target cost-per-lead thresholds accordingly to maximize ad ROI.

Track New Leads

Use UTM tags, dedicated phone numbers, and other tracking methods to identify and evaluate leads from Google Ads separately.

Keep Testing and Optimizing Google Ads

Continuously test ad variations, landing pages, bidding strategies, and keywords and optimize based on performance data.

Mistakes to Avoid When Advertising on Google

It is common to make mistakes when creating and running Google Ads for your cleaning business. Make sure you avoid these common Google Ads mistakes to achieve better results:

  • Mistake #1 : Using overly broad keywords resulting in irrelevant traffic
  • Mistake #2 : Overpaying per lead by bidding too high
  • Mistake #3 : Sending traffic to your general website homepage instead of tailored landing pages
  • Mistake #4 : Writing overly promotional or keyword-stuffed ad copy
  • Mistake #5 : Not tracking lead quality from different keywords/placements
  • Mistake #6 : Not regularly optimizing and improving ad relevance

Case Study to Better Understand Google Advertising for a Cleaning Business

One of our clients that runs a cleaning business was struggling to get new clients. The cleaning company decided to invest $1,000 per month into Google Ads. By targeting the keyword “house cleaning services”, they received lots of clicks but few conversions at $15 per lead.
When they joined us, our online advertising experts realized that the term was too broad. So, we refined keywords to be more specific like “move out cleaning Seattle” and “Seattle house cleaning prices”.
We created a tailored landing page highlighting prices and deals. Their more targeted approach resulted in a 3% conversion rate at just $8 per lead.
In one month they generated 112 new leads and gained 15 new clients from Google Ads by optimizing relevance. Their conversion rate continues improving through ongoing testing.

When to Get Professional Help to Advertise Cleaning Services on Google?

If you do not have expertise in Google Ads or time to manage campaigns, get professional help from a reputable PPC management company, such as Media Search Group.

You should consider hiring a professional Google Ads management service if you want to:

  • Access insights from in-depth keyword and competitor research
  • Build highly relevant, multi-stage ad funnels
  • Create customized landing pages that convert
  • Continuously optimize and improve ad performance
  • Generate more leads without wasting ad spend
  • Scale your growth online

PPC experts can set up and optimize Google Ad campaigns to maximize conversions and ROI from your ad spend. Professional PPC specialists stay on top of the Google’s algorithm changes and leverage the latest best practices tailored specifically for cleaning businesses.

Not sure how to get started with Google Ads for your cleaning business? Please contact us at +1 6573124124 or e-mail us at to manage Google Ads for your cleaning business.

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