What changes Google LaMDA brings to SEO

Recently updated: May 25th, 2023

We all know that Google is working on a language model to make the most of machine learning and AI to improve user experience. For several years, Google has been researching language-based models in the hopes of training a model that can hold a logical and insightful conversation on any topic.

Moving ahead with its research for language-based models, Google has developed an open-ended conversational AI application – LaMDA (Language Models for Dialog Application), that appears to be closest to reaching its goal. LaMDA’s primary goal is to replace robotic AI conversations with more natural dialogues.

With LaMDA training model, Google claims to have taken a significant step forward in the development of conversational artificial intelligence (AI) models, creating a system that can hold and make natural conversations. Good said in a blog post:

“Language is remarkably nuanced and adaptable. It can be literal or figurative, flowery or plain, inventive or informational. That versatility makes language one of humanity’s greatest tools — and one of computer science’s most difficult puzzles.”

Here, we will learn:

  • What is the latest Google update?
  • Intro to Google LaMDA: What is Google LaMDA?
  • How does Google LaMDA work?
  • How is LaMDA different from past related Google updates?
  • How does Google LaMDA affect SEO/ SERPs?
  • What belongs in the future after Google LaMDA?

Let’s start.

What is the latest Google update?

Google LaMDA (Language Models for Dialog Application) joins BERT and MUM as a method for machines to better understand user intent. In this post, we learn more about LaMDA conversational model and how it is going to change future conversations and search engine performance using SEO practices. In demos, it acted like a person or object during user conversations. The demonstrations show how the LaMDA system can answer natural questions with generic conversational statements rather than repeating the same answers every time.

Google is essentially saying that it wants dialogues with AI to feel more natural, just like human conversations. Human conversations are real and natural in the sense that we do not respond to a question with the same five responses every time. You could change your response based on the context, who you’re speaking to, and the intent of the conversation as long as the other person can understand your tone, meaning, and so on and respond appropriately.

Intro to Google LaMDA: What is Google LaMDA?

Google LaMDA was developed to help software programs engage in more fluid and natural conversations. Language Models for Dialog Application uses the same transformer architecture that BERT and GPT-3 language models use to understand user intent during conversations. LaMDA, on the other hand, can also understand the natural conversations and nuanced questions on a variety of topics due to its training. Other language models we know end up speaking something completely different, which could be very confusing during conversations.

Google developed LaMDA to overcome issues like open-ended conversations and demonstrated that it could be achieved with AI-based open-ended conversational applications. The demonstration proved that the Language Models for Dialog Application (LaMDA) can carry on a conversation about a random topic.

How does Google LaMDA work?

LaMDA is based on Google’s open-source neural network, Transformer, for natural language processing. The language model is trained to detect patterns in sentences, identify correlations between the various words, phrases, and tones, and even predict the next word that is likely to appear during the conversation. It accomplishes this by analyzing datasets made up of dialogue rather than individual words.

While the chatbot software we know today has a conversational AI system, there are some significant differences in both models. Chatbots are trained on a specific dataset to handle only a limited conversation to answer specific questions. LaMDA, on the other hand, can have open-ended conversations because it is trained on multiple datasets to pick up and adapt nuances dialogs during the training process. According to Google’s CEO,

“LaMDA synthesizes concepts from the training data to ease access to information about any topic via live conversations.”

LaMDA can answer questions on a wide range of topics to get along with the flow of the conversation. As a result, it allows for conversations that are even closer to human interaction than chatbots conversations.

How is LaMDA different from past related Google updates?

Google LaMDA is different from other Google updates and language models in how it is trained. According to Google, LaMDA language model has a two-stage training process – pre-training and fine-tuning. The model has been trained on 1.56 trillion words with 137 billion parameters in total to understand and answer natural conversations.

  • Pre-training

The Google team created a dataset of 1.56T words from multiple web documents for the pre-training stage. The team tokenized the dataset into a string of characters to form conversational sentences. They have developed 2.81T tokens to train the model. During pre-training, the LaMDA model employs general and scalable parallelization to forecast the next segment of the conversation based on previous tokens seen.

  • Fine-tuning

The Google team trained LaMDA to perform classification and generation tasks during the fine-tuning training phase. It predicts the next part of the conversation and generates a number of responses after analyzing the back-and-forth conversation. After this, LaMDA classifiers predict the quality score for responses before going forward with the conversation. Responses with low-quality scores are filtered out during the process.

The quality scores of responses are calculated based on the following parameters:

  • Safety
  • Sensibility
  • Specificity
  • Interestingness

The aim to evaluate the quality scores of each possible response is to deliver the most relevant, ultimately safest, and high-quality response during a conversation.

The LaMDA model has also its unique set of metrics and objectives that have been defined to process the pre-training and fine-tuning. These are:

  • Quality

The quality metrics are based on the following human rater dimensions:

  1. Sensibleness.
  2. Specificity
  3. Interestingness.

The quality score in LaMDA training is used to ensure that a response is relevant to the question and makes sense in the context of the conversation.

  • Safety

To ensure safety during a conversation, the model adheres to responsible AI standards. It uses a set of safety objectives to review the user intent and model’s behavior for a safe conversation. The objective of safety metrics is to avoid biased and unintended responses during the conversation.


Gorindedness is the percentage value of responses containing external world claims. This metric is used to make sure that responses are factually correct, and users can judge their validities based on the reliability of the source.

How Google LaMDA affects SEO/ SERPs?

While the training and evolution of Language Models for Dialog Application is still in progress with no public release date, LaMDA is expected to be used to improve user experience on the internet with more human-like conversations and searches. There is a genuine possibility that Google could use LaMDA to navigate searches within its search engine, which could affect SEO and SERPs in every possible way.

When it comes to LaMDA’s implications for search engine optimization (SEO), Google reveals its vision for the future of SEO and SERPs, which focuses on language and conversational models. This could lead to a shift in search behavior and the way users perform a search to find products or information.

Google is constantly working to improve its understanding of users’ intent when they search in order to provide them with the most relevant and useful SERP results. The LaMDA model will be an important tool in the process of understanding questions or queries posted by users. It will ensure that the content is optimized for humans and not for search engines.

LaMDA’s implication for SEO will encourage webmasters to focus more on creating useful, informative, and relevant content rather than finding ways to optimize content just to appear at the top of search results. It means they have to make sure that content is written for a target audience and is conversational in nature for better engagement and use experience. The content that is well-written and conversational will perform well in SERPs. It’s also critical to refresh evergreen content on a regular basis to ensure it remains relevant over time.

According to research engineers from Google, AI advancements such as LaMDA will enhance search as a conversation. Currently, Google displays answers to a search question in a box list of bullet points. However, in the future, searchers may find answers in a well-written response with a paragraph explaining the question, with a source link to validate the information. As a result, users will see content that is supported by authoritative sources if Google uses LaMDA conversational training to generate search results in the future.

What belongs in the future after Google LaMDA?

There are issues and challenges to address, just as there are with any AI model. Safety and groundedness are the two main challenges Google engineers face with implications of LaMDA. It is critical that Google LaMDA prioritizes responsibility in order to avoid producing unpredictable or harmful results. To overcome this challenge, Google has open-sourced the resources to review and train the datasets.

It allows diverse groups to contribute to the datasets used to train the model, assisting in the identification of existing bias, and minimizing the spread of harmful or misleading information.

The other challenge is the factual grounding of the responses to validate the reliability of answers produced by AI language models, as datasets are collected from all over the web. To address this issue, the team allows the model to review and consult with multiple web sources to produce accurate results.

The previously mentioned Groundedness metric ensures that responses are coming from known and reliable sources. Users can validate the results and sources to prevent misinformation from spreading.

So, what belongs in the future for Google LaMDA? There are still many questions that are unanswered and Google is working on making a language model that is closer to generating natural conversions with humans.

Open-ended dialogue models such as LaMDA have their pros and cons. Google is committed to improving safety and groundedness by addressing all the risks and challenges associated with the AI-based dialog model to provide an unbiased and reliable user experience. Another thing we might see in the future is LaMDA models being trained on different types of data, such as images or videos. This allows you to navigate the web even more effectively by using conversational prompts.

Google’s CEO Sundar Pichai said “We believe LaMDA’s conversation capabilities have the potential to make information and computing radically more accessible and easier to use.”

While there is no release date yet, Webmasters should make themselves ready for something that is more conversational, as it is quite clear that LaMDA is the future of everything Google. They have to focus more on creating useful and conversational content for their target audience to keep things relevant and ready for the future.

Media Search Group is a professional SEO company that helps businesses and individuals optimize their content that is future-ready for SEO. We ensure there is no loophole in your SEO strategy that could halt your performance in the future. Contact us to know more about site and content optimization for greater search performance today and in the days to come.

Ratan Singh

Meet Ratan Singh, a dedicated professional blogger and unwavering technology enthusiast. His journey in the world of content writing commenced over seven years ago. With a fervent passion for the latest advancements in technology, gadgets, mobile phones, apps, and social media, Ratan has emerged as a go-to source for all things tech and digital marketing. His analysis of the social media landscape unravels the latest trends and strategies, making him a valuable resource for digital marketers.