
Top 5 Tips to Start SEO for Your Law Firm Website

Your law firm's website is likely the first impression many potential clients will have of your legal services. As per Attorney Sluice’s 2022 survey, 48 percent of people begin their attorney search online, while 64 percent conduct research online if they face a legal problem. Hence, optimizing your law firm website for visibility and conversion rate is essential.

Why is SEO important for lawyers and legal firms?

SEO is important for law firm websites because it helps them rank higher in search engine results pages. Higher rankings lead to increased visibility and more potential clients finding the law firm's website when searching for legal services online. Good SEO improves website traffic and brings in more clients.

What lawyers and law firms must know when doing SEO and online marketing?

As an attorney, you also need to balance compelling content with adhering to ethical guidelines. While SEO best practices can attract more users, failing to consider bar association rules could lead to serious problems. As you develop and optimize your law firm's website, research ethics opinions to avoid potential pitfalls.

Focus on useful information for site visitors while showcasing your expertise. With the right law firm SEO and web design, your website can introduce your legal services to a higher number of ideal clients while reflecting your professionalism.

In this law firm SEO guide, you will learn some easy ways to optimize your law firm website for search engines and learn how to target your ideal audience and generate qualified leads to get more cases.

5 Tips to Rank Law Firm Website on Page #1

1. Perform a Thorough SEO Audit of Your Law Firm Website and Fix Issues

Optimizing your law firm's website for search engines requires a comprehensive audit to uncover any issues hurting your rankings and visibility. By thoroughly analyzing technical SEO factors, content, and links, you can create an action plan to resolve problems and improve organic traffic.

To perform an SEO Audit for your law firm website, you can find several free and paid SEO audit tools online, such as Semrush, Google Search Console, and Screaming Frog.

online SEO audit tools

Common SEO Issues in Law Firm Websites

Some of the most common SEO issues we find in audits of law firm websites:

  • Bad advice from previous digital marketing agencies resulting in technical problems or weak content writing strategy
  • Not setting up Google Search Console, so you lack insight into crawl errors, indexing issues, and queries driving traffic
  • Toxic links built over the years that should have been disavowed
  • Excessive 301 redirects and broken links that lead to a confusing site structure
  • Slow page speed and web performance due to unoptimized images, code, etc.
  • Non-responsive design or lack of mobile-friendliness harming user experience
  • Uncompressed images wasting bandwidth and hurting speed.
  • Inconsistent NAP citations across directories undermining local SEO
  • Having multiple similar pages instead of targeting unique keywords

Tips to Fix Issues That Are Common in Law Firm Websites

Many law firm sites weren't built with SEO in mind, leading to these problems. Here are tips for fixing them:

  • Disavow low-quality links through Google Search Console.
  • Consolidate duplicate or similar pages to target specific keywords.
  • Optimize page speed by compressing images, minimizing redirects, and optimizing code.
  • Make the site mobile-friendly.
  • Clean up technical issues like 404 errors through the Search Console.
  • Create unique meta descriptions optimized with key phrases.
  • Produce in-depth, useful content that answers search queries.
  • Build high-quality links from relevant legal sites.
  • Correct NAP citations on directories, social profiles, and listings.

Law firms need an experienced SEO and web development to ensure their site follows technical best practices for SEO. Proper website architecture, HTML markup, internal linking structure, and image optimization require expertise to maximize organic visibility.Implementing schema markup for FAQs, articles, services, etc. also enhances how search engines understand and index pages. This improves rankings, especially in featured snippets and knowledge panels.
As per Search Engine Journal, after a full SEO audit and fixing identified issues, you may see website traffic increase anywhere from 250% to over 2,000%.
A detailed law firm SEO audit highlights problems you likely never knew existed on your site. Resolving these technical and content problems can help you gain dramatically higher organic visibility and conversions. Investing in an expert SEO audit process and remediation can unlock huge SEO gains.

2. Research Keywords to Identify Search Terms that People Use to Find Legal Advice

Choosing the right keywords is crucial for law firm SEO success. You want to identify terms that potential clients use when searching for legal services, tips, and pieces of advice.

Start by imagining you're your ideal client. What words would they type into Google to find a lawyer with your expertise? Brainstorm topical keywords, geo-targeted keywords, and keywords with questions people ask lawyers.

For example, a personal injury firm would target phrases like "car accident attorney," "slip and fall lawyer Austin," or "what to do after an injury at work."
You can also get ideas for law firm SEO keywords and top searches from the Related Searches section in Google SERP.

keyword ideas for law firm
Related Searches section in Google SERP

Different Types of Keywords You Must Know for Law Firm SEO

a. Head Keywords

These keywords refer to the main keywords that broadly describe your overall content. For law firms, this is often the practice area like "personal injury lawyer" or "criminal defense attorney".

b. Long-Tail Keywords

These keywords are more specific multi-word phrases that narrow down the searcher's intent. For law firms, this can include phrases like "personal injury lawyer for car accident victims" or "criminal defense lawyer for felony drug charges".

c. Local/Geo-Target Keywords

These are the keywords that incorporate a location or geographic area to target local searchers. In case of law firm websites, this includes city names like "personal injury lawyer San Diego" or "DUI attorney Phoenix".

d. Branded Keywords

These keywords denote the searches for your specific law firm name or the lawyers in your firm. For example "Johnson & Associates law firm"

e. Question Keywords

These keywords are the search queries posed as questions that your content can answer. For lawyer services, this includes questions like "How much does a divorce lawyer cost?" or "Should I get a lawyer after a slip and fall accident?"

f. Informational Keywords

These are broad keywords where the search intent is to find information or learn about a topic. For legal firms, this can include terms like "guide to divorce" or "patent litigation process explained".

Dig into keyword research using tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Moz Keyword Explorer. Analyze search volume and competition data to gauge interest and feasibility for keywords.
Research what keywords your competitors rank for by studying their organic traffic in SEMrush or Ahrefs. This reveals successful terms you could target.
Then, you should identify relevant keywords for all your practice areas. It is a good idea to categorize keywords by practice area like "criminal defense law," "patent law," "family law attorney," etc. Create a hierarchy with head terms, secondary keywords, and long tail variations.
Leverage tools like Moz Bar and SEMrush to find what a landing page already ranks for. Optimize fully for those existing keywords.

How to Incorporate Keywords on Your Law Firm Website

  • Page Titles and Headings :Include primary keywords in titles and H1s and secondary terms in H2 and H3 tags.
  • Page Titles and Headings
  • Meta Descriptions :Summarize page content precisely while mentioning the main keyword at least once. But avoid keyword stuffing.
  • Meta Descriptions
  • Image Alt Text :Include keyword variations in the descriptive alt text that displays when images don't load.
  • Internal Link Anchor Text :Use keywords appropriately in links pointing to related content.
  • Content : Naturally weave in keyword phrases and structure content around themes. Answer related questions.

What Not to Do When Optimizing Content with Targeted Keywords?

Avoid keyword stuffing as it can get your site penalized. The focus should be on useful content targeting searcher intent, not tricking search engines. Driving traffic through smart content optimization provides more value.

Things to Keep in Mind During Keyword Research for Legal Services
  • Think like an ideal client. Consider their pain points and the language used.
  • Research search terms people use on Google, YouTube, and tools like Keyword Planner.
  • Analyze competitors' rankings for successful keywords in SEMrush or Ahrefs.
  • Categorize keywords by law practice area like personal injury, family law, etc.
  • Use tools to find existing keywords a page ranks for, and then optimize fully.
  • Incorporate keywords through titles, headings, metadata, alt text, and content without over-optimizing.

Free SEO Audit

Free SEO Analysis

3. Create Quality and Engaging Law-Centric Content to Establish Leadership

Publishing detailed legal content, tips, and blogs helps you boost site visibility and establish expertise for law firms and attorneys.
Informative materials are crucial for law firms to attract targeted visitors and generate quality leads. With unique content optimized for SEO, your website can rank for searches from users seeking legal help and information. Driving this traffic builds brand awareness and positions your firm as a thought leader.
Creating custom legal content demonstrates your experience better than firms lacking blogs and educational materials. Useful, engaging content converts visitors into leads by showcasing your ability to solve problems.

Things to Keep in Mind When Writing Blogs for Legal Firms

  • When writing legal blogs and articles, strategically incorporate keywords in titles, headers, meta descriptions, image alt text, URLs, and content.
  • Focus on terms or keywords people search when looking for legal help. This content optimization for search intent drives higher rankings and traffic.
  • Blogs should provide value to readers beyond promotional content. Articles that solve problems and educate build trust in your firm.
  • If you don't have time for content creation, hire an SEO firm specializing in law firm marketing. Their legal content writers can publish optimized blogs establishing your expertise in the legal industry.

Top suggestions for blog and article topics for lawyers and law firms:

  • Overviews of your practice areas and legal services offered
  • Guides explaining different aspects of the legal processes
  • Q&A posts answering common legal questions
  • Personal injury case results and settlements won for clients
  • Breakdowns of specific laws, regulations, and compliance issues
  • Current events and news related to your practice areas
  • Profiles showcasing your attorneys' backgrounds and experience
  • Legal tips, strategies, and helpful advice for clients

For legal topic ideas, you can also check out the People Also Ask section that appears on the Google’s First Search Result Page.

People Also Ask section on SERP

Besides, you can also use the Answer the Public tool to see what people search for when looking for legal services online.

Answer the Public tool to see what people search

Promoting content on social media and email newsletters extends reach.

Consistently publishing insightful legal blogs and articles will position your firm as a trusted leader. It allows you to demonstrate your specialized knowledge while attracting ideal prospective clients.

4. Link Your Social Media Videos and Posts to the Website Properly

Do you create and publish helpful legal content on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, or other social platforms? If so, you have a prime opportunity to drive visitors to your law firm's website by linking such content properly.
Strategically connecting your social videos and posts to relevant pages on your site is a great way to increase website traffic and brand exposure.
Even though YouTube descriptions and Instagram captions contain nofollow links, the main goal is to make your website and brand known. And if your content sounds really good, some social media users may also visit your website, thus driving organic traffic to your site.
Start by ensuring your YouTube channel and profile are linked to your firm's website. Your channel description, featured channels, and other info panels should all point back to your site. This helps establish brand consistency across platforms.
Now go through your social content and add links where relevant. Look for posts, images, and videos that align closely with pages on your website, such as:

  • Your practice area services pages
  • Informative legal guides and blog posts
  • Attorney and staff bio pages
  • Case results content
  • Useful FAQ resources

For example, if you share a YouTube video explaining the personal injury claim process, put a link in the description to your "Personal Injury Claims" services page. Respond to questions on social posts by linking to related blogs or FAQs on your site.
Connecting social content to relevant website pages brings visitors. Plus, it also signals to search engines that your site offers helpful information. Just make sure linking feels natural and adds value for your audience.
Strategically integrating social media with your website through relevant links builds awareness and drives traffic to convert visitors into leads.
Auditing your past social content presents many opportunities to further promote your firm's website. Keep this link-building strategy in mind to create a great backlink profile score.

5. Off-Page SEO - Get High-Quality Backlinks, Manage Reviews, and More

Link Building for Legal SEO

Backlinks remain one of the most important ranking factors for law firm SEO. High-quality backlinks direct visitors to your site and help search engines understand your expertise in the legal industry. Law firms should build ethical, relevant links to enhance trust and authority.
Backlinks are like roads leading users and search engine bots to your site. The anchor text describes what your page is about, signaling search engines the topic of your content.
For example, a link from a legal site with "personal injury lawyer Austin" anchor text tells Google your site offers PI services in Austin. Strategic anchor text links web pages together by relevance.

  • Different Types of Backlinks a Law Firm Website Should Have

    Editorial links

    Earned links within content referencing your expertise. For instance, getting links from legal news sites or attorney review platforms discussing your practice.

  • Resource links

    Links listing your site as a resource on a related site. For example, a law firm could be linked to a state bar page created for finding lawyers.

  • Guest posting links

    By contributing guest blogs to legal blogs, you can include links back to your website within the author bio or content.

Review Management for Law Firm SEO

Apart from backlinks, you also need to focus on managing online reviews for law firm SEO:
Online reviews are crucial for law firms as consumers rely on them when choosing an attorney. Managing your reviews should be part of an off-page law firm local SEO strategy.
Respond professionally to all Google Reviews promptly, both positive and negative. Google weighs reviews heavily, so engaging can impact your rating and website clicks.
Also respond to reviews on sites like Google, Avvo, Yelp, and anywhere else you're rated. Thank positive reviewers and offer help to unsatisfied reviewers.
Ask happy clients to leave honest Google and Facebook reviews to potentially improve your overall rating. The higher your rating, the more credible your firm appears.
Monitor review sites regularly. Check for alerts from ReviewPush and BirdEye to be notified of new reviews. Being responsive shows you value clients and care about your reputation.
Address negative reviews transparently by apologizing and offering to make amends. Post an empathetic public response, and then follow up directly with the reviewer.
Reviews influence local SEO rankings, so make responding to them part of your routine. Proactively managing your online reputation earns trust.

Other Off-Page SEO Tactics for Law Firm Websites

In addition to link-building and review management, employ these off-page optimization tactics:

  • Optimize citations and NAP consistency across all directories where you are listed like Avvo, Martindale-Hubbell, Google My Business, etc. Inconsistent details can hurt local SEO results for your law firm’s website.
  • Build relationships with local reporters to get featured in the news for expertise. Media mentions help enhance brand validity. Besides, you can also create press releases to publish on different PR websites.
  • Publish articles as a guest contributor for legal blogs and publications and make sure to include a bio link back to your site.
  • Strategically use social media to share content and link it to your site to engage followers and attract visitors.
  • Network with other lawyers and legal professionals to exchange valuable referrals and references.
  • Claim knowledge panel and LinkedIn page profiles to manage how your law firm appears in SERPs.

To enhance local visibility in Google Maps Local 3-Pack and appear in local search results, make sure you create an optimized Google My Business profile with complete and accurate business information.

optimized Google My Business profile

Setting up a GMB profile is an excellent way to attract people looking for legal services near you and generate leads for free.
A multifaceted off-page approach builds visibility and trust indicators for your law firm’s website. Combine ethical link-building with review management, citation consistency, referrals, and thought leadership efforts.

Latest SEO Tools We Use

Wrapping Up

Implementing these legal SEO best practices provides a solid foundation for improving your law firm's search visibility and website traffic. However, legal SEO requires ongoing effort and expertise to maximize results. If you don't have the resources or experience to manage comprehensive SEO in-house, consider getting professional help from legal SEO specialists
For professional SEO services, connect with the Media Search Group. Our dedicated online marketing and SEO team specializes in law firm SEO. We use proven strategies tailored for attorneys, legal firms, and legal advisors. Our Legal SEO Company knows how to make your website and content work in your favor, not against you.
Our legal SEO solutions help lawyers and legal firms find more cases by getting their websites seen on top in SERPs and chosen first. Don't leave your SEO to chance - let the experts at Media Search Group take care of your law firm’s online marketing.

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