
Stand Out Online: Website Design Services in India

Media Search Group is a leading web design company in India creating stunning websites that drive results. Our web design services help businesses succeed online with custom, SEO-friendly designs tailored to your needs. As an expert web design agency, we combine creativity and technology to craft engaging user experiences on any device. Trust India's top website design company - let's discuss your project today!

Showcase Your Business with Robust Web Design

Boost your brand's credibility and reach with a powerful web design. In today's digital age, where 4.57 billion people worldwide are active internet users, having a robust online presence is essential. Research shows that 53% of users research brands before engaging, and 92% visit websites for various purposes beyond immediate purchases. Don't miss out on connecting with your audience and gaining market referrals – invest in an interactive, custom website design today.

What’s the Need of a Business Website Today!

In today's digital age, a professional business website is essential for success. Your website is often the first interaction potential customers have with your brand. An outdated or poorly designed website creates a bad first impression and costs you leads. As one of the India's top web design companies, Media Search Group crafts high-converting websites to help you connect with more customers online. With an optimized, mobile-friendly site, you gain credibility, showcase your expertise, generate leads 24/7, and stay ahead of the competition.

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Reasons to Invest in Web Design Services

There are many compelling reasons to invest in a professional business website designed by our web design company in India. A website helps improve your online visibility through SEO and drives more traffic to your digital doorstep. It acts as a powerful marketing tool to showcase your brand story, products, and expertise while boosting credibility. With an optimized website, you provide a seamless user experience and one convenient platform to engage customers 24/7. Here are some additional benefits:

  • Stay connected with clients by sharing updates on new offerings easily
  • Generate more qualified leads and valuable customer feedback cost-effectively
  • Leverage your website as a sales asset with detailed product/service information
  • Outshine competitors with a modern, mobile-friendly website that converts

Web Design Services

Let our award-winning design team craft your next high-performing, customer-centric website tailored to exceed KPIs. Schedule a consultation today!

Website Design Services We Offer

Media Search Group, one of the best web design agencies in India, provides professional web design services in India to create high-performing websites tailored to your business goals. From custom designs to redesigns, ecommerce solutions to SEO-friendly sites - our web design company has the expertise to deliver.

Custom Web Design

Custom Web Design

Is your vision a one-of-a-kind website with a unique look, layout and features personalized for your brand? Our custom web design services craft pixel-perfect websites from the ground up based on your specific requirements. By starting with a clean slate, our designers have the flexibility to incorporate the latest design trends, advanced interactivity and your brand personality.

eCommerce Website Design

eCommerce Website Design

Looking to sell products or services online? Our ecommerce web designers develop secure, user-friendly online stores complete with catalog display, product filtering, payment integration, shopping cart functionality and more. We work with top platforms like WooCommerce and Shopify to build engaging, mobile-responsive ecommerce sites that boost sales.

Website Redesign and Revamp

Website Redesign and Revamp

Is your current website outdated, hard to navigate or not mobile-friendly? Our web redesign services in India revamp existing sites to create a fresh, modern look with improved usability and conversions. From full aesthetic overhauls to restructuring your information architecture, count on our web design agency to take your website to the next level.

Responsive Web Design

Responsive Web Design

Today's websites must provide a seamless user experience on smartphones, tablets and desktops. Our web designers code every site using responsive design techniques for flawless viewing and interactions across devices. This means more traffic, longer visit times and higher conversions from mobile users.

SEO Friendly Website Design

SEO Friendly Website Design

Ranking on the first page of search results is key to driving more organic traffic and leads. Our search engine optimization web design approach lays the proper technical groundwork for success with strategic keyword research, optimized code, semantic markup, fast-loading pages and much more.

ordPress Website Design

WordPress Website Design

WordPress is a powerful and flexible content management system. Our web design experts create custom designed, intuitive WordPress website that is easy for clients to update and maintain long-term. The latest WordPress web design trends are incorporated for a professional look that keeps visitors engaged.

Web Technologies We Use

As an experienced web design agency in India, Media Search Group leverages the latest web technologies and programming frameworks to build high-performance, attractive websites. Our experts are well-versed in commonly used languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript as well as advanced platforms.

HTML Web Technology


HTML forms the basic structure and content foundation for all websites by defining individual page elements like paragraphs, images, navigation menus and more using semantic tags. Our designers hand-code valid, optimized HTML5 markup enhanced for accessibility and SEO.

Cascading Style Sheets visual


Cascading Style Sheets inject visual styling into HTML pages to define colors, fonts, layouts, animations and design aesthetic. Our CSS code is cross-browser compatible, responsive for mobile devices, and follows best practices for faster rendering.



For interactive functions like image sliders, form validation, data charts and more - we use vanilla and library JavaScript code. All programming follows clean structure and validation for security. Popular frameworks like jQuery simplify development and UI enhancements.

Angular framework


Angular is a Typescript-based web app framework for building complex single-page applications with dynamic data flowing seamlessly across interconnected components and services. Our Angular experts follow best practices for robust enterprise web apps.



ReactJS is a high-performance JavaScript library for crafting fast-loading interactive user interfaces by breaking layouts into independent reusable components. Our React developers leverage its power and flexibility for exceptional web/mobile experiences.

PHP scripting language


PHP is a popular backend scripting language that handles server-side functions like database connections, business logic processing, file management and more. Our PHP programmers follow strict security measures against vulnerabilities. We leverage frameworks like Laravel for agile development.



jQuery is a widely used JavaScript library that greatly simplifies client-side scripting for enhanced user interactions, animation effects and responsive design features. Our web developers leverage jQuery for better cross-browser compatibility.

Framework Laravel

Framework Laravel

Laravel is an MVC-based PHP web application framework for faster, secure coding and delivery of enterprise-level web solutions including eCommerce. Our Laravel experts follow the robust architecture for high-performing feature-rich websites.

.NET Microsoft technology


A robust Microsoft technology stack for enterprise-grade web solutions. Our .NET certified developers utilize tools like C#, ASP.NET, ADO.NET, Web API and more building everything from platforms like SharePoint sites to Azure cloud applications.

Our Web Design Process

Media Search Group, a leading web development company, follows a proven web design process to deliver quality websites that achieve your goals on-time and on-budget. Our collaborative approach ensures you are involved and informed throughout every step.

Consultation and Planning

We start with a detailed discovery session to understand your business, target audience, competitors, preferences and objectives for the new website. This allows our design team to propose an informed sitemap, wireframes and creative direction aligned with your vision.

Design Concepts and Feedback

Our skilled web designers will then develop homepage design concepts and inner page samples for your feedback and approval. You'll have the opportunity to request revisions and refine the designs based on your preferences. We take pride in creating custom websites with unique layouts, not just templates.


With the designs finalized, development begins to code and build out the full website and required functionality. This includes mobile-responsive programming with the latest HTML, CSS and JavaScript frameworks for optimal speed and browser performance.

Blog Integration

Our web design packages include integration of a blog or latest news section to your site. This allows you to easily publish articles, build a content library, and improve SEO by targeting relevant keywords over time.

Social & Chat Integration

To support social media marketing and lead generation, we'll integrate social media icons/feeds and can set up live chat functionality so site visitors can instantly connect with your team. These interactive elements improve engagement and responsiveness.

SEO Optimization

SEO optimization is incorporated into every stage of our web design services. This involves technical setup like semantic markup, keyword targeting, mobile optimization, image compression and more to help your site rank higher in organic search results.

Innovative Customization

If your project requires any custom web programming, our developers are skilled in a wide range of technologies and platforms from ecommerce to CRM/ERP integration, API connections, custom data reporting and more.

Development and Launch

With coding complete, our QA team will thoroughly test the website on all devices for functionality, errors and usability bugs before deploying it live. We'll provide training on how to update content and leverage all the features.

Maintenance and Support

Your launch is just the beginning. Our web design company in India offers affordable quarterly or annual maintenance packages with web hosting/security, content updates, SEO reporting and 24/7 technical support to keep your website running smoothly.

Key Roles of UI Design Experts in Web Design

Our talented web design teams comprise specialized UI (user interface) experts who collaborate to build visually stunning, high converting websites. Some key responsibilities include

UI designers focus on translating brand strategy and user needs into attractive visual layouts across desktop and mobile devices. This involves wireframing page structure, designing click flows, color palettes, typography, imagery, iconography and responsive presentations tailored to devices.

To optimize usability, UI experts regularly conduct user tests by creating prototypes and observing first-hand how sample users navigate flows. Feedback on difficulties faced when completing tasks identifies areas for navigation, content improvement and clarity to enhance user experience.

Crafting advanced interactivity requires coding languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript. Our UI developers program slick hover animations, parallax scroll effects, carousels, forms, tables, widgets and more using best practice code validated for cross-browser compatibility.

An optimized interface facilitates desired user actions through strategic visual queues based on how people inherently process information. Our UI experts leverage principles like proximity, alignment, contrast, repetition and more in layouts so key calls-to-action efficiently capture attention.

Before conceptualizing effective interfaces, our UI specialists conduct in-depth analysis around audience demographics/psychographics, buyer journeys, brand style guides, business requirements and more through research and stakeholder discussions to guide designs.

Low fidelity wireframes and mockups allow rapid ideation and modifications before finalizing interfaces. Our UI team iteratively creates clickable, interactive prototypes using tools like Figma, Sketch and Invision for refined user testing prior to development.

UI designers systematically test prototypes with a diverse representative user panel. Observing completion rates and pain points when accomplishing tasks identifies enhancements like simplifying journeys, rearranging elements or adding cues to optimize usability before launch.

UI designers focus on translating brand strategy and user needs into attractive visual layouts across desktop and mobile devices. This involves wireframing page structure, designing click flows, color palettes, typography, imagery, iconography and responsive presentations tailored to devices.

To optimize usability, UI experts regularly conduct user tests by creating prototypes and observing first-hand how sample users navigate flows. Feedback on difficulties faced when completing tasks identifies areas for navigation, content improvement and clarity to enhance user experience.

Crafting advanced interactivity requires coding languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript. Our UI developers program slick hover animations, parallax scroll effects, carousels, forms, tables, widgets and more using best practice code validated for cross-browser compatibility.

An optimized interface facilitates desired user actions through strategic visual queues based on how people inherently process information. Our UI experts leverage principles like proximity, alignment, contrast, repetition and more in layouts so key calls-to-action efficiently capture attention.

Before conceptualizing effective interfaces, our UI specialists conduct in-depth analysis around audience demographics/psychographics, buyer journeys, brand style guides, business requirements and more through research and stakeholder discussions to guide designs.

Low fidelity wireframes and mockups allow rapid ideation and modifications before finalizing interfaces. Our UI team iteratively creates clickable, interactive prototypes using tools like Figma, Sketch and Invision for refined user testing prior to development.

Contact our SEO agency in India to discuss how we can help your specific business grow through search engine optimization.

Contact our SEO agency in India to discuss how we can help your specific business grow through search engine optimization.

Why Professional Website Design Services Are Important for Your Business?

Invest in professional web design services by Media Search Group to unlock your online growth potential. A strategic website is crucial for small businesses and enterprises to attract more customers, generate leads, establish credibility and boost sales. Whether launching a new business website or revamping your digital presence, our experienced team delivers:

Better Online Exposure

Better Online Exposure

Having an outdated or non-existent online presence means missed opportunities. A modern, SEO-optimized website is key to expanding your online visibility and reaching more customers across search engines and devices. As an expert web design company in India, we craft high-converting, search engine friendly designs to increase quality traffic and lead generation.

Custom Website Appearance

Custom Website Appearance

Cookie-cutter website templates restrict your brand's uniqueness and competitiveness. Our talented web designers develop distinctive custom websites with layouts, visuals and features tailored specifically for your business, products/services and target audience. Stand out online with a one-of-a-kind digital experience that reflects your brand.

Enhanced UI/UX

Enhanced UI/UX

Intuitive navigation, fast load times, smooth interactions across devices and engaging visual design - our web design process prioritizes delivering an optimal user experience. Let our UI/UX skills transform website visits into meaningful actions by crafting client-winning web designs.

Improved Conversions

Improved Conversions

Lengthy contact forms, confusing menus, clunky mobile layouts and slow speeds are conversion killers. We optimize every visual and technical element of our websites to guide users seamlessly towards your business goals for maximum impact on metrics like leads, sales and engagement.

Scalable for Growth

Scalable for Growth

As your company expands product lines, launches new locations or requires additional functionality - your website should scale effortlessly. Our custom web design process follows best practices for flexible designs that can evolve with changing business requirements without complete overhauls.

Powerful Analytics and Insights

Powerful Analytics and Insights

Data-driven decisions are key to digital marketing success. Our web designs integrate advanced analytics and reporting to track user behavior, conversion rates, traffic sources and more. Gain clear visibility into your website's performance.

As a leading website design agency in India, Media Search Group has the expertise and experience to elevate your brand's web presence. Contact us today to discuss a custom digital strategy to grow your business online.

Contact our SEO agency in India to discuss how we can help your specific business grow through search engine optimization.

Custom Web Design Packages for Every Business

At Media Search Group, we understand every company has unique requirements when establishing an online presence. That's why our web design services offer flexible website packages tailored to your exact goals, target audiences, industry specifications and budget.

Our customizable solutions provide end-to-end guidance - from strategic planning to design, development, SEO optimization, security, hosting, content and ongoing maintenance/support. We collaborate closely to build a website that effectively grows your business.

Starter Website Design Package

Our affordable startup package is ideal for new ventures seeking an initial web presence. Includes a 3-5 page responsive website with lead generation tools like contact/inquiry forms, calls-to-action and more. We optimize site content that engages visitors while establishing your brand across devices. Basic SEO, SSL encryption, hosting and ongoing maintenance are also included.

Business Website Design Package

For established businesses aiming to drive growth through their website, our package incorporates robust functionality like integrated ecommerce, shopping carts, payments and more. We perform extensive SEO optimization, integrate analytics for insights, email marketing and social media. Secured enterprise-grade hosting and maintenance also covered.

Enterprise Website Design Package

Our premium package is developed for large brands ready to dominate their online presence. Fully custom website build with unlimited pages, flexible CMS functionalities, visually stunning graphics, animations, dynamic content and more - customized to fit your brand style guide. Intensive SEO strategy paired with integrated campaigns help you lead rankings and engagement. Additional lead gen tools, dedicated account management and 24/7 support provided.

Get a Free Web Design Quote

Ready to discuss your website design requirements and goals? Our web design experts are standing by to provide a free consultation and no-obligation quote for our services in India. Simply complete the online form and a specialist will be in touch shortly. We'll gather the necessary project details to present a customized web design package and timeline tailored to your unique business needs. Let's get started transforming your online presence today!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The timeline for web design services varies based on the scope and complexity of your project requirements. A basic 5-10 page website can typically be completed by our web design company in India within 4-6 weeks. Larger, more advanced websites with ecommerce, custom programming etc. can take 2-3 months on average. We provide a detailed timeline during the project planning phase.

The cost of web design depends on the size, features and complexity needed for your website project. Pricing can range from basic packages ideal for small businesses, to more expansive designs for larger companies. Our affordable web design services in India are tailored to fit a variety of budgets. We provide custom quotes detailing exactly what is included, with no hidden fees, after discussing the full scope of your requirements during the initial consultation.

Since over 60% of online traffic now comes from mobile devices, it is crucial to have a responsive website that displays perfectly on smartphones and tablets. Our India-based web design services utilize the latest responsive frameworks to ensure your site is mobile-friendly and easy to navigate from any device. This enhances user experience, boosts engagement and increases conversions.

Yes, our web design company offers affordable monthly/annual maintenance packages to keep your website secure, updated and performing optimally long-term. Services include web hosting, security monitoring, plugin updates, basic content changes, SEO reporting and 24/7 technical support if any issues arise. This extra support ensures your new website continues delivering ROI for years.

Absolutely. Search engine optimization (SEO) is a key deliverable with our web design services in India. We offer a complete suit of digital marketing services. We follow industry best practices for technical SEO like site structure, metadata, mobile-friendliness, image optimization and more. Our designers also create SEO-friendly page content to target relevant keywords and search phrases, increasing visibility in organic search results over time.

Yes, Media Search Group provides professional website redesign and revamp services in India. We can refresh outdated designs, restructure site architecture, add new features like e-commerce, improve usability/conversions, and much more. Our web design agency will evaluate your current website to make actionable recommendations for an engaging, modern online presence.

Definitely. All websites designed by our company utilize responsive techniques to ensure optimal viewing and functionality across desktop, mobile and tablet devices. This mobile-first approach to web design services leads to higher engagement, conversions and Google search rankings.

Our web design and development company takes a collaborative approach to keep you looped in during every step. You'll be able to provide input on layout, functionality and visual direction. We'll present design mockups for feedback and welcome your suggestions until we achieve the ideal look and user experience.

Absolutely. If you have an existing website, we're happy to migrate the text, images and documents over to the new design during the web development process. This includes reformatting content as needed to fit the new layout, information architecture and responsive design.

Yes, Media Search Group offers reliable web hosting packages to house your new website and keep it running smoothly 24/7. This includes technical support to handle any performance issues or website updates required long-term. We only partner with top data centers to ensure maximum uptime and security.

Our web design company in India has extensive experience building online stores on top e-commerce platforms like WooCommerce, Shopify and Magento. We'll recommend the ideal solution based on your product catalog size, budget and specific feature requirements like payment gateways, shipping integration, etc.

Our proven web design process follows these key steps: discovery and planning, design mockups, feedback/revisions, coding and development, testing, launch, and ongoing maintenance. Your dedicated project manager will keep you informed and gather necessary feedback at each milestone.

Yes, search engine optimization is built into every stage of our web design process. This involves technical setup, content optimization, schema markup and an overall SEO-friendly structure. We also offer comprehensive ongoing SEO services like audits, keyword research, link building and more to continually improve rankings.

Yes, all websites designed by our web design agency come with a user-friendly content management system to make basic text, image and document changes yourself when needed. We'll provide training on how to update content without coding skills required.

For fully custom web design projects, we follow an in-depth discovery and concepting phase upfront. This involves collaborating closely with you to understand website goals, target audiences, features needed, design preferences and more. Our designers will then craft multiple unique homepage concepts and inner page samples for feedback before developing the final approved designs.

Absolutely. Our web designers have extensive experience creating startup websites that clearly explain products/services, establish credibility, and turn visitors into customers. We'll leverage the latest web design trends and UX best practices to craft an affordable, high-impact online presence ideal for startups.

We thoroughly test every website project across the latest versions of all major browsers (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Edge) on a range of desktop, mobile and tablet screen sizes/devices. This rigorous testing prior to launch ensures your new website renders and functions flawlessly for all potential visitors.

Our affordable quarterly/annual web maintenance packages cover essential tasks to keep your new site secure and updated long-term. Services include web hosting, security monitoring, plugin updates, basic on-page content/text changes, performance checks, and 24/7 emergency technical support.

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