
Link Building Services Agency in India | Ethical Link Building Practices

Earn Quality Backlinks to Your Site with Our Link Building Services in India

Your Trusted Link Building Services Company – Media Search Group

Looking to boost your website's search engine rankings and domain authority? Media Search Group is your go-to link building agency in India. With over 12 years of experience, we are experts in ethical, white hat link building strategies tailored to your unique business goals. Our seasoned team stays on top of the latest SEO best practices to get you the high-quality backlinks you need from reputable, relevant sites. We build natural links that search engines love through content marketing, outreach, and more. Partner with us for trusted, effective link building services in India.

Increase Your Website and Domain Authority with Quality Link Building

Quality backlinks from authoritative domains are essential for search engine optimization. At Media Search Group, our link building services company focuses on acquiring editorial links that point to your site naturally. We use content creation, guest posting, and other proven tactics to build quality links while improving your domain authority. Our SEO experts research target websites, identify link opportunities, and secure link placements through outreach. We track links to ensure they remain active. Boost your rankings, domain authority, and organic visibility with our premium link building services today!

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Why Is Backlink Building Important for Your Website?

Do you wonder why link building still matters? Here are the key reasons why link building is important for your website:

Boost search visibility

Backlinks are one of the most important ranking factors for search engines like Google. The more quality backlinks you have from relevant, authoritative websites, the more visibility your website will have in search results. Quality backlinks signal to search engines that your content is valuable and worthy of ranking higher. By building backlinks, you can significantly improve your search engine rankings for important keywords, allowing you to reach more of your target audience through organic search. A good backlink building strategy helps get your web pages indexed faster and climb to the top of the SERPs.

Improve search engine rankings

A high-quality backlink profile has a direct positive impact on your search engine rankings. Backlinks help search bots crawl your site faster and understand its relevance for different keywords. More backlinks from niche-relevant sites indicate greater authority on a topic. Search algorithms like Google's PageRank also factor backlink numbers and quality into ranking calculations. The more backlinks you have from reputable websites related to your industry, the higher all your pages will rank for valuable search terms. Link building SEO can boost your overall search rankings, resulting in more organic traffic to your site.

Improve domain authority

Domain authority refers to the power and influence of a website based on the number and quality of external links pointing to it. Backlinks from authoritative sites in your industry pass "link juice" which directly increases your domain authority. The higher your domain authority, the more trust search engines place in your content and brand. By cultivating backlinks from well-reputed websites with high domain authority, you compound that link equity and boost your domain authority. Link building is thus critical for improving domain authority and your website performance in search engine rankings.

Drive referral traffic

Backlinks allow people to find your website while surfing the web. When they click on an external link leading to your site, it generates direct referral traffic. The higher the quality of the linking website, the more referral traffic it will drive. By having authoritative sites in your niche link back to your content, you tap into their existing audiences to increase your site visitors. Whether it's a few visitors from a small blog or thousands of visitors from a major publication, backlinks can drive highly targeted referral traffic. Link building expands your reach beyond just search to bring in website visitors from other trusted sources.

Provide competitive edge

Our backlink building service gives your website a competitive edge against rivals vying for the same keywords and traffic. The more quality backlinks you have in your niche, the higher you'll rank compared to competitors with fewer or weaker backlinks. You can use link building to go after industry keywords that dominate or strengthen your leads for terms you already rank well for. Having more referral traffic also provides an advantage over sites lacking in backlinks. Investing in ongoing link building services in India makes it difficult for competitors to overtake your rankings and helps elevate your brand reputation.

Build trust in your website

Backlinks from trusted, popular websites related to your industry instill credibility and authority to your site. External sites are essentially vouching for the value of your content by linking to it. Hence, search engines and users perceive sites with more backlinks as more reputable sources of information. Quality backlinks signal that your brand is respected and your content is worth linking to. High authority sites linking to you also lend their own trust and domain authority to your website. By building links, you'll gain the trust of search engines as well as visitors who will have more confidence in your brand.

Three Things to Know Before You Invest in Link Building

Not all link building agencies in India are the same. Remember the following three things before you invest in link building services.

Prioritize Link Relevancy

When investing in link building, relevancy should be your top priority. The websites you seek backlinks from must be closely related to your niche and content. Links from irrelevant sites will not pass much equity or help with rankings. Make sure target sites for outreach have overlapping audiences and topics as your own. Getting niche-relevant links, even if from smaller sites at first, is better than irrelevant links from major domains. Building topically relevant links reinforces your expertise and authority on a subject. Keep link relevancy in mind, as search engines like Google factor it in when evaluating links.

Quality over Quantity

Don’t get caught up in chasing a large quantity of backlinks from low-quality sites. A handful of authoritative backlinks from reputable sources are exponentially more valuable than hundreds of links from shady websites. Focus your link-building efforts on earning links naturally from premium domains with high trust rankings and online influence in your space. Ten quality links from industry-leading websites will boost your rankings far more than a thousand low-quality links. Prioritize outreach to authoritative, high-quality sites for link placements that truly enhance your site’s authority.

Avoid Over-Optimization

Be careful about over-optimizing anchor text when link building. Using the same anchor text links looks unnatural and raises spam flags. Make your anchor text varied, descriptive, and natural. Embed keywords organically within longer phrases, like “Learn SEO tips from our link-building guide”. But don’t go overboard targeting just one term. Creating a mix of branded and descriptive links avoids over-optimization. Build links across multiple pages, not just your home page. This makes your link profile appear organic. Prevent penalties by keeping your link-building and anchor text optimization natural.

Why Outsource Link Building Services from Media Search Group?

Looking for quality link building services in India? Here is why Media Search Group makes the best choice for a link building company for you.

At Media Search Group, we follow strict ethical standards in our link-building practices. We build links through valuable content creation, blogger outreach, broken link building, guest posting, and other white hat strategies. Our link-building team avoids shady techniques like paid links, low-quality directories, comment spamming, and link exchanges. We focus on building links manually that search engines value.

Our link-building team comprises the most experienced SEO experts in the industry. They have honed their skills in building successful backlink profiles across diverse niches. Their expertise lies in identifying and securing quality link opportunities from relevant sites through personalized outreach. We enhance our strategies based on the latest ranking factors and algorithm updates and know how to get results sustainably.

We offer affordable link building services to fit every budget. Our customized packages scale to meet your needs and business goals. We provide complete cost breakdowns upfront, with no hidden fees. As an established link building agency in India, we leverage our resources and expertise to deliver maximum ROI at competitive prices. Our expertise and affordability enable us to offer the most value compared to freelancers.

We don’t just build any links – our link building team specializes in securing link placements on authoritative, high-quality sites relevant to your niche. This includes backlinks from industry-leading domains with high domain authority, page authority, and trust rankings. For higher ranking, our tailored outreach targets blogs, directories, news sites, and other reputable sources that search engines trust in your topic area.

Upon onboarding, we assign a dedicated account manager to oversee your link building campaign. They will develop a tailored roadmap based on your goals, manage link opportunities, provide transparent reporting, optimize efforts based on results, and serve as your single point of contact. Our account managers have the experience to execute link building strategies from start to finish and communicate progress smoothly.

At Media Search Group, we believe transparent communication and exceptional customer service are key to successful partnerships. We provide clients with regular link building reports to track progress. Our monthly reports detail all links built, placement sites, and anchor text used. Have a question? Our customer support team is available to assist you via phone, email, and chat. We want you to feel satisfied with your investment.

At Media Search Group, we follow strict ethical standards in our link-building practices. We build links through valuable content creation, blogger outreach, broken link building, guest posting, and other white hat strategies. Our link-building team avoids shady techniques like paid links, low-quality directories, comment spamming, and link exchanges. We focus on building links manually that search engines value.

Our link-building team comprises the most experienced SEO experts in the industry. They have honed their skills in building successful backlink profiles across diverse niches. Their expertise lies in identifying and securing quality link opportunities from relevant sites through personalized outreach. We enhance our strategies based on the latest ranking factors and algorithm updates and know how to get results sustainably.

We offer affordable link building services to fit every budget. Our customized packages scale to meet your needs and business goals. We provide complete cost breakdowns upfront, with no hidden fees. As an established link building agency in India, we leverage our resources and expertise to deliver maximum ROI at competitive prices. Our expertise and affordability enable us to offer the most value compared to freelancers.

We don’t just build any links – our link building team specializes in securing link placements on authoritative, high-quality sites relevant to your niche. This includes backlinks from industry-leading domains with high domain authority, page authority, and trust rankings. For higher ranking, our tailored outreach targets blogs, directories, news sites, and other reputable sources that search engines trust in your topic area.

Upon onboarding, we assign a dedicated account manager to oversee your link building campaign. They will develop a tailored roadmap based on your goals, manage link opportunities, provide transparent reporting, optimize efforts based on results, and serve as your single point of contact. Our account managers have the experience to execute link building strategies from start to finish and communicate progress smoothly.

At Media Search Group, we believe transparent communication and exceptional customer service are key to successful partnerships. We provide clients with regular link building reports to track progress. Our monthly reports detail all links built, placement sites, and anchor text used. Have a question? Our customer support team is available to assist you via phone, email, and chat. We want you to feel satisfied with your investment.

Get started with our link building services to rank your website in Google faster.

Our Link Building Services in India Include

We are a full-service link building company in India that covers every aspect of link building services, including:

Backlink Analysis

Backlink Analysis

Backlink analysis is the first step of an effective link building campaign. Our experienced professionals audit your current backlink profile to identify strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities. We examine your existing backlinks, assessing the authority of referral sites, anchor text variety, link dispersion across pages, and overall quality. Our backlink analysis provides insights to create an effective link building strategy. We dig deep into your niche to find the top websites to pursue quality links.

Blogging Outreach

Blogging Outreach

Outreach to relevant blogs and news sites is a proven link building tactic our team specializes in. We identify authoritative blogs covering topics related to your business to pitch original guest posts to. Our outreach experts personalize each email pitch to bloggers and publishers. Guest blogging not only earns valuable backlinks but also helps build relationships with influencers in your industry. We handle content creation and follow-ups to get your articles featured on niche blogs your audiences read.

Content Marketing

Content Marketing

Content marketing forms the core of our link building approach. We utilize SEO best practices to create optimized content assets – blogs, articles, listicles, and more - designed to attract backlinks. Our content leverages keywords and answers questions to appeal to your audience. We employ content distribution and promotion strategies, including outreach and social media engagement, to get your content featured on authoritative industry sites. High-quality content earns natural editorial links to your site.

Broken Link Building

Broken Link Building

A broken link building strategy is used to identify and fix broken links on high-authority pages relevant to your business. Our link building professionals search for dead links on pages ranking for your target keywords. We then suggest relevant, working pages on your site as replacements for webmasters. By providing value and correcting broken links, you earn a backlink in return. Our white hat technique taps into sites already ranking well to pass equity and boost your rankings through earned links.

Brand Mention Links

Brand Mention Links

Brand mention links involve naturally mentioning your company on external sites when relevant, often in link roundups, lists, and comparisons on authoritative industry pages. Our team seeks out opportunities to work your brand into content published on leading websites related to your niche. We reach out to site owners and provide them with data, quotes, or other brand information needed. Securing brand name mentions on well-reputed external sites boosts brand visibility and earns contextual backlinks.

Link Building Reports

Link Building Reports

We provide full transparency into your link building progress with detailed monthly reports. Our reports summarize all links built, including key metrics like domain authority, page authority, and trust ratings for each placement site. We outline anchor text variations used to avoid over-optimization risks. You can also access our link building tools to check link status and performance on a more frequent basis. Our comprehensive reporting provides the data you need to track link metrics over time.

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Other Digital Marketing Services We Also Offer in India

We are a full-service digital marketing agency in India, catering to the varying needs of businesses, including SEO, content creation, and more.

Global and National SEO Services

Global and National SEO Services

We offer SEO services to help brands rank higher and drive more traffic from search engines like Google and Bing. Our SEO experts conduct technical and on-page optimization to boost your rankings for both national and global search queries. We perform in-depth keyword research and implement proven link building and content marketing strategies to increase your domain authority and search visibility.

Local SEO Services

Local SEO Services

For businesses that serve local customers, our dedicated local SEO services are designed to improve your search rankings and drive foot traffic. We focus on optimizing your Google My Business listing and other local directories. Our experts also build localized links and content to rank your website for location-specific keywords. Multi-location businesses can benefit from our local SEO at scale across all locations.

Ecommerce SEO Services

Ecommerce SEO Services

We specialize in advanced ecommerce SEO strategies to increase organic traffic to your online store. Our ecommerce search optimization includes comprehensive technical SEO, on-site optimization for product and category pages, targeted backlink building, and content marketing. We also optimize page speed and mobile experience to boost conversions. Let us craft data-driven solutions tailored to your specific niche.

Content Marketing Services

Content Marketing Services

Optimized, quality content is crucial for SEO success. Our dedicated team excels at creating blog posts, and long-form articles designed to rank and attract backlinks. We focus on pillar content to build authority and traffic. Our content uses search data to target ranking keywords and answer audience questions. Let us handle content strategy, creation, promotion, and distribution across digital channels.

Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

We offer social media management services to build your brand and grow followers on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. From crafting social strategies to managing ads and organic content posting, we become your dedicated social team. Our experts grow and engage your audience with a data-driven approach tailored to your business goals. Let us expand your reach and drive results.

Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Our PPC management services help you get in front of motivated searchers and boost traffic from Google Ads and social media ads. Our PPC experts handle everything from campaign setup to keyword research, bid optimization, ad testing, and reporting. We manage your campaigns day-to-day to control costs and maximize conversions. Let us help you manage pay-per-click advertising hassle-free.

Web Design and Development

Web Design Services

We offer customized website development and design to build or overhaul your online presence. Our web designers craft sites optimized for speed, UI/UX, SEO, and conversions. We build in functionality for ecommerce, payment gateway, lead generation, and more. Our web developers integrate your site seamlessly with key web technologies. Partner with us for a responsive website tailored to your brand.

Online Reputation Management

Online Reputation Management

Our online reputation management (ORM) services help you take control of how your business is perceived by online users. We monitor reviews, social media, news sites, and article websites closely to spot issues early. When needed, we facilitate quick resolution of negative press. We also pursue positive press through PR outreach. Let us reinforce your reputation through search, reviews, and social media.

Google Penalty Recovery Services

Google Penalty Recovery Services

If your site has been hit with a Google penalty like a manual action or algorithmic demotion, our experts specialize in penalty recovery. We conduct in-depth audits to identify and fix issues. Our remediation can include link cleanups, content improvements, technical fixes, reconsideration requests, and more. We have helped numerous brands successfully recover from Google penalties and regain lost rankings.

How Our Link Building Services Are Different from Others

Earn links that lead to higher rankings in SERPs

At Media Search Group, our proven link building strategies are designed to earn high-quality backlinks from authoritative sites that directly improve your SERP rankings.We don’t just pursue any links – our experts identify and secure editorially given links that search engines value as votes of confidence to rank your content higher. We focus on building contextual links through content promotion, outreach, and securing natural brand mentions. Every link we build is hand-picked to pass maximum rankings benefit to your site.

As a leading link building agency in India, we have the experience, strategies, and tools to acquire the most SEO-friendly links that deliver tangible results in the form of higher rankings for your target keywords.

Acquire links from related niche websites and platforms

Relevancy is a key factor in link building. Our link building specialists research and identify the top authority websites related to your niche to pursue backlinks from. We focus on securing placements on industry-specific platforms that search engines trust as subject matter experts. Our manual outreach targets blogs, directories, news sites, and other authoritative sites that have overlapping audiences to yours. We take great care to ensure every link we acquire comes from a relevant source that boosts your authority and trust signals in the search for your focus keywords.

Our niche-specific approach delivers more ranking power compared to general links. We help our clients build a diverse, high-quality portfolio of relevant backlinks that reinforce their expertise in their field.

Connect you with the best platforms for outreach

We tap into our years of link building experience and vast resources to connect our clients with the most valuable link building opportunities. Our extensive outreach includes high-authority websites across every industry where we’ve successfully secured placements for clients in the past. We also continuously research to identify new opportunities, staying on top of emerging platforms and influencers in your space. Our relationship-focused approach and tailored outreach help us achieve high response rates when pitching guest posts and content partnerships. We essentially serve as your outsourced business development team, leveraging our connections and expertise to land placements other agencies struggle to achieve.

Partnering with our link building company in India gives you access to the top link building platforms relevant to your brand and goals.

Best Link Building Practices that We Follow

White hat link building strategies are the norms of our link building company. Here are some of the best practices that we follow.

Competitor Backlink Analysis

We analyze your competitors' backlink profiles including referral sites, anchor text ratios, linking domains, and more. This reveals link building strategies and opportunities to outperform rivals.

Backlink Audit

A detailed audit of your existing links is conducted to assess link equity distribution, identify potentially harmful links for cleanup, and analyze anchor text diversity. This helps create our link growth strategy.

Outreach Campaign

We specialize in customized outreach to secure placements on authority sites through guest posts, roundups, broken links, etc. Our personalized pitches and relationships drive placements.

Guest Posts & Digital PR

Guest blogging on authority niche sites helps build relevant links and also boosts brand visibility. We handle content creation, relationship building, and follow-ups to get featured articles published.

Brand Mentions

We actively pursue natural brand mention opportunities on relevant sites like roundups, lists, and product comparisons. Securing contextual brand name drops earns valuable links.

Broken Link Building

Finding dead links on authority pages in your niche and recommending relevant working pages from your website helps build quality backlinks through value-adding corrections.

Get started with our 100% white hat link building services and drive referral traffic to your site fast.

Frequently Asked Questions on Link Building Services

Link building refers to the process of acquiring links from external websites that point back to pages on your site. It aims to build domain authority, improve search rankings, and drive referral traffic. High-quality backlinks remain one of the top ranking factors for search engines like Google. Ethical, relevant links from authoritative sites in your industry signal trust and authority. Despite some platforms cracking down on manipulative tactics, natural link building through value-adding content, outreach, and relationships continues to improve search performance. White hat, high-value link building still works very effectively as part of an integrated SEO strategy.

Yes. Our link building specialists team stays current on the latest search engine algorithm updates and guidelines. We employ strict best practices for ethical, white hat link building to avoid risks. Link building tactics we avoid include buying links, low-quality directory submissions, link networks, spamming blog comments, article marketing on PBNs, excessive link exchange, etc. Our strategies focus on building links manually in a natural, organic way that search engines value – guest posting, resource link additions, brand mentions, partnerships, broken link building, and high-quality content distribution. Every link is hand-picked for quality. We build links based on merit, not manipulation. Our campaigns improve rankings through editorially given links.

The backlinks we build come from a diverse, carefully selected range of authoritative platforms relevant to your niche. This includes:

  • Industry-specific blogs and news sites via guest posts
  • Reputable directories, review sites, and roundups with brand-mention links
  • Resource pages on sites through broken link fixes and relevant additions
  • Link insertions in existing relevant content across the web
  • Links earned through high-value content promotion and outreach
  • Contextual sponsored/advertorial content on authority niche sites
Our focus is always on building theme-relevant, high-quality links from trusted sources that search engines value – not just any spammy links. Our strategies aim to build a natural link profile and absolute numbers.

Dofollow links pass link equity and ranking power to your site, while nofollow links do not transfer any equity. Nofollow was created to identify sponsored or paid links that search engines should ignore for ranking purposes. Most editorial, organic links are dofollow, while advertising, paid links are set as nofollow to avoid manipulation. Dofollow links boost your authority in search algorithms' eyes and help improve rankings when acquired from relevant sites. Nofollow links still hold value for branding and traffic but do not directly influence rankings. Our link building focuses on securing dofollow links from authoritative sites to impact search performance.

Our link building services company utilizes a combination of qualitative and quantitative metrics to measure link building success. Quantitative metrics include tracking ranking improvements for target keywords, increases in domain authority/Page Authority, growth in organic traffic and leads, and ROI from conversions driven by link building. We also qualitatively measure links acquired from a relevance and quality standpoint based on site authority, trust flow metrics, and anchor text diversity. Ongoing monitoring, maintenance, and reporting provide full transparency into link growth, allowing us to optimize efforts over time for maximum search impact. Our link building services agency monitors rankings, traffic, and revenue to ensure a positive business impact.

Yes. While we offer a standard backlink building service, our strategies are customized to each client's unique business, industry, competitors, products/services, and goals. We don't take a one-size-fits-all approach. Our link building experts work closely with you to understand your specific needs and craft a tailored solution. Our link building agency in India is flexible on delivery timelines, reporting frequency, link targets, and other requirements based on your needs and budget. We also optimize efforts continuously based on real-time performance data. Our focus is on providing the most relevant, high-quality links tailored to improve your organic visibility and success.

The key is to build links slowly and organically, just as they would naturally develop for a high-quality website. Tactics include outreach for guest posts on relevant sites, broken link building, resource link additions, and high-value content marketing. Our link building services agency avoids techniques like paid links, link schemes, and anything done at scale or in a manipulative way. Varying anchor text, building links to inner pages, and acquiring links from a diverse range of reputable sites make your link profile appear natural. Patience is important - building links naturally over time shows organic growth patterns that search engines trust.

Ethical link building focuses on earning high-quality links through value-added content, outreach, and relationships without employing any deceptive tactics. Non-ethical link building uses manipulative techniques like link networks, spammy content, link exchanges, paid links, etc. We avoid non-ethical practices at all costs, as they could harm your site. Our link building strategies are 100% white hat and editorially driven, so links come because a site finds your content truly useful to its audience. Our link building services company builds links based on merit, not with the intent to manipulate search results. Our manual, ethical approach ensures your link profile grows naturally.

Link building services cost in India varies based on factors like monthly link targets, deliverables, the field of focus, and customizations. However, on average, our monthly link building packages start from $149 for smaller businesses and can go up to $799 for enterprise brands. Many link building companies offer packages priced between these ranges based on needs. Costs are also lower when signing quarterly or annual contracts. The investment is well worth the significant ROI in organic growth. With our experience, Media Search Group offers very competitive pricing on link building services customized for your needs and budget.

Investing in professional link building services in India can provide immense ROI when done right. It is worth buying from an experienced link building agency like us because link building takes significant expertise and time to see results. Our managed backlink building services ensure links are built safely to drive actual growth. Competent link building agencies in India also stay on top of Google's guidelines and can advise on potential risks. While some basic link building can be DIYed, partnering with experts allows brands to significantly scale their efforts to maximize search value. The continual access to new link opportunities, outreach automation, reporting, and expertise makes buying customized link-building packages well worth the investment.

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