
Amazon SEO Services, India | Amazon SEO Marketing

Grow Your Retail Business and Make More Sales Online With Our Amazon SEO Services Company

Appear on Top and Attract More Amazon Shoppers with Amazon SEO Services

Want your products to get noticed and sell more on Amazon? With Amazon SEO services in India from Media Search Group, we can help you stand out from the competition. Our experts know how to optimize product listings and improve discoverability so you rank higher in Amazon's search results. More visibility means more clicks and conversions. With an effective SEO strategy for Amazon, we'll help you get found by more shoppers so you can grow your brand and boost sales. Let our Amazon SEO agency handle the SEO while you focus on your products and customers.

Sell More Products and Make More Revenue with Our Amazon SEO Company

As a leading Amazon SEO services company, Media Search Group has the expertise to maximize your sales on Amazon. Using proven e-commerce SEO strategies, we rank your products on the first page so that more shoppers see them. Higher visibility leads to increased clicks, orders, and revenue for your brand. Our data-driven approach focuses on optimizing every aspect of your Amazon presence, from product listings to off-site SEO. With Media Search Group, you can sell more products and make more money on Amazon. Let our Amazon SEO specialists craft a high-impact strategy tailored to your business goals.

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Why Does Your Business You Need Amazon SEO Services in India?

Check out how our Amazon SEO company can make a difference in your Amazon store sales:

Increase product visibility

With over 100 million active users in India, Amazon is India’s largest online marketplace today. Ranking high in Amazon’s search results is critical for product visibility. Our Amazon SEO services help your product listings appear on the first page through keyword optimization, compelling titles, and descriptions. More visibility means more shoppers will find and view your products. We ensure your product pages are fully indexed and instantly discoverable on Amazon. With our Amazon SEO services, we make sure your products are seen by high-intent shoppers searching for your products.

Enhance brand awareness

Amazon search engine optimization is a powerful way to build brand awareness and connect with new audiences. Optimized brand keywords and strategic content help establish your brand's authority and trust as shoppers search for products. Our SEO company helps reinforce your brand by crafting engaging product titles, product descriptions, and optimized brand store content. We ensure your brand makes a strong impression throughout the buyer's journey, from initial search to product purchase. With Amazon SEO, we help more shoppers engage with and remember your brand when shopping online.

Expand your market share

Gaining more exposure and visibility through Amazon SEO is proven to increase market share. Amazon SEO marketing helps you reach new demographics of online buyers you haven't tapped into before. We identify high-demand search terms and optimize your presence around those buyer keywords. More visibility to new segments of shoppers means you can expand your share of the competitive Amazon marketplace. We also analyze your competitors to see where opportunities exist for you to capture a bigger portion of searches and sales. Our Amazon SEO experts will help grow your business and brand.

Improve CTR and conversions

Higher Amazon search rankings lead to increased clicks and conversions for product listings. Our Amazon SEO agency optimizes all aspects of product pages and category pages to improve click-through rates. More clicks mean more views of your product pages. And with compelling, strategically optimized Amazon SEO content, we convert those product views into sales. Our Amazon SEO marketing services are proven to boost conversions by creating SEO-friendly content that engages shoppers and persuades them to buy. More clicks plus higher conversions equals exponential sales growth on Amazon.

Bring more sales and revenue

The ultimate goal of Amazon search engine optimization is to drive more qualified traffic to your product listings, which leads to increased sales and revenue. Our Amazon marketing experts focus on high-volume, high-demand search keywords that attract motivated shoppers ready to buy. We optimize your Amazon presence to turn those shoppers into customers. More visibility means more product views and product additions to the cart. Higher conversions turn those views into transactions. Our Amazon SEO company will help your brand rank highly in Amazon's results for relevant searches to maximize revenue.

Improve brand reputation

Amazon SEO services have the added benefit of improving your brand reputation and authority. When shoppers see you ranking highly for searches, it establishes your products and brand as a top choice in your category. Positive customer reviews also boost your brand credibility on Amazon. Our Amazon marketing services showcase your reputation and expertise to new shoppers throughout the buying journey. From clicking on your listing to making a purchase, we help reinforce your brand's reputation as a trusted leader. High visibility plus positive reviews equals major brand credibility gains on Amazon.

Ready to get started with Amazon SEO marketing? Speak to our Amazon SEO experts.

Why Choose Media Search Group for Amazon SEO Marketing in India?

Wondering why Media Search Group should be your first choice for Amazon SEO services company in India? Let’s find out:

Dedicated Amazon Specialists

Dedicated Amazon Specialists

Our team includes dedicated Amazon specialists who are focused on optimizing your presence and maximizing your sales on the platform. With extensive Amazon SEO training and years of Amazon marketing experience, our experts have the specialized skills to get you measurable results. We stay on top of Amazon’s complex and constantly evolving algorithm to ensure your products rank for the right keyword searches. From on-page SEO to technical SEO to content optimization, our Amazon SEO specialists have the expertise to drive your brand’s success in the world’s biggest marketplace.

In-house Amazon SEO Team

In-house Amazon SEO Team

We have an in-house team of SEO specialists, copywriters, social media managers, and web designers to optimize every aspect of your Amazon presence. Our on-site SEO experts analyze keywords, titles, features, descriptions, images, links, and more to improve visibility and conversion rates. Meanwhile, our content team creates attractive product descriptions, enhanced brand content, and any other copy needed to rank higher and sell more. With integrated SEO and content efforts, we can ensure your product pages and brand store are fully optimized to attract and engage motivated buyers on Amazon.

Custom Amazon SEO Marketing

Custom Amazon SEO Marketing

Our Amazon SEO services are completely customized to your brand and products. We don't take a one-size-fits-all approach to Amazon search engine optimization. Our SEO specialists will conduct an in-depth analysis of your business, products, competitors, and target customers on Amazon to craft a tailored SEO and content strategy that maximizes results. We identify the best opportunities for growth and visibility. Then we develop high-impact keyword targets, optimized listings, and engaging brand content designed specifically to capture more traffic and sales for you in the competitive Amazon marketplace.

Data-Driven Amazon SEO Approach

Data-Driven SEO Approach

We utilize data gathered from Analytics tools to optimize your Amazon presence for peak performance. Our SEO team analyzes important metrics like search volume, ranking difficulty, conversion rates, competitors’ positions, and more to identify your best SEO opportunities. We dig into keyword and rank tracking tools to monitor your Amazon listings' positions 24/7. With continuous data analysis, we respond and refine your Amazon SEO strategy to capitalize on every chance to improve visibility and conversions. Our data-driven approach means we make high-impact decisions to drive sales.

analyze Amazon's complex algorithms

Market and Customer Analysis

Not only do we analyze Amazon's complex algorithms and data, but we also conduct in-depth analysis of your market landscape and customer base. We identify who your prime buyers are on Amazon and which search terms they are using to find products like yours. Our SEO team explores your competitors' strategies and opportunities where you can capture market share. We tap into market trends and shopping behavior insights to optimize your presence. With multi-level analysis, we gain a deeper understanding of your online brand store on Amazon to deploy the right SEO and content strategies.

detailed reporting on the performance of Amazon SEO

Regular and Transparent Reporting

We provide consistent, detailed reporting on the performance of your Amazon SEO marketing efforts. You will get regular reports to monitor rankings so you know exactly how your product listings are performing. We share performance reports after analyzing traffic, conversions, rank improvements, and more. Our specialists share optimization recommendations based on the latest data and trends. You will have complete visibility into how our SEO and content efforts are impacting your Amazon presence and sales. We are committed to transparent communication and ensuring our services deliver maximum ROI.

Looking for something else for Amazon SEO? Talk to our experts to know how our Amazon SEO agency can help you.

Tips to Position Your Brand on Amazon Marketplace

Competing for top positions on Amazon is not an easy feat. You need to put in your time and effort to position your brand highly on the Amazon marketplace. Here is an overview of how you can do it:

  • Your product titles are one of the most important elements for ranking high on Amazon. Product titles appear in search results and should instantly communicate what your product is to shoppers.
  • Include your most important, targeted keywords in the title, like the brand name, product name, key features, or benefits. But keep titles natural – don’t just stuff keywords.
  • Titles should be readable, conversational, and effectively summarize the product.
  • Include key details like size, color, and material that help customers make the right choice.
  • Keep titles concise within ideal character limits. Compelling, benefit-driven titles with keywords entice more clicks and conversions.
  • Check titles frequently for optimization opportunities as you hone in on top-converting messaging.

  • Placing your products under the correct Amazon product categories boosts visibility to shoppers browsing for that type of item.
  • Avoid vague, overstuffed parent categories and choose specific sub-categories relevant to your product.
  • For example, categorize a nylon computer bag under Laptop Backpacks instead of the broader Luggage & Travel Gear category.
  • Go granular with sub-categories when possible.
  • Also, leverage relationship and comparison tables on the backend to associate your product with other shoppers who may purchase together.
  • Correct classification not only helps with Amazon search relevancy but also improves the overall shopping experience as customers find complementary and related products.

  • Your Amazon brand store page offers a big branding and engagement opportunity beyond just product listings.
  • Build out a comprehensive brand story, showcase your expertise and values, display brand videos and imagery, curate shoppable collections, and more.
  • Enhanced brand content improves click-throughs from your product pages to your store. It also strengthens brand awareness and trust as shoppers engage with your content before purchasing.
  • Ensure brand messaging is consistent across your website and Amazon store.
  • Make use of features to highlight products. Keep refining your brand story assets.
  • A polished, optimized brand page encourages conversions and loyalty.

  • Product reviews are make-or-break for conversions on Amazon. Recent data shows over 90% of shoppers read reviews before adding an item to their cart.
  • Make reviews a priority by politely asking satisfied buyers to leave feedback after receiving their order.
  • Be sure to follow up with an email reminder a few days after their purchase arrives.
  • Make sure you give some time to shoppers to check or use the item before asking or following up for reviews. Asking too early or too late often discourages shoppers from leaving any reviews on your products
  • Gathering more positive early reviews builds credibility and social proof for your brand while giving you control over the narrative.
  • This peer content is more meaningful than promotional material to persuade buyers.

  • Leverage all your brand's social media platforms and email subscriber base to drive more visitors to your Amazon listings.
  • Share product links, special offers, new arrivals, and curated gift guides. and other Amazon-specific content to followers on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
  • Sync your posts across channels for maximum exposure. Run occasional social promotions directing people to your Amazon store to browse featured products.
  • Also, link to your Amazon store prominently in your website and email footers so existing brand fans easily find you on Amazon.
  • Referral traffic converts well since they already know your brand.

  • While Amazon itself frowns on manipulative linking tactics, you can still build legitimate backlinks to your product pages to reinforce authority and rankings.
  • Create resources like how-to articles or video tutorials featuring your product, then host them on your site and promote them across industry blogs and publications.
  • Link back to the Amazon listing naturally within the content.
  • PR outreach to relevant media sites can also yield earned media links.
  • You need to focus on building contextual, high-authority backlinks that deliver value instead of spammy links. Quality over quantity is key for Amazon SEO.
    • Your product titles are one of the most important elements for ranking high on Amazon. Product titles appear in search results and should instantly communicate what your product is to shoppers.
    • Include your most important, targeted keywords in the title, like the brand name, product name, key features, or benefits. But keep titles natural – don’t just stuff keywords.
    • Titles should be readable, conversational, and effectively summarize the product.
    • Include key details like size, color, and material that help customers make the right choice.
    • Keep titles concise within ideal character limits. Compelling, benefit-driven titles with keywords entice more clicks and conversions.
    • Check titles frequently for optimization opportunities as you hone in on top-converting messaging.

    • Placing your products under the correct Amazon product categories boosts visibility to shoppers browsing for that type of item.
    • Avoid vague, overstuffed parent categories and choose specific sub-categories relevant to your product.
    • For example, categorize a nylon computer bag under Laptop Backpacks instead of the broader Luggage & Travel Gear category.
    • Go granular with sub-categories when possible.
    • Also, leverage relationship and comparison tables on the backend to associate your product with other shoppers who may purchase together.
    • Correct classification not only helps with Amazon search relevancy but also improves the overall shopping experience as customers find complementary and related products.

    • Your Amazon brand store page offers a big branding and engagement opportunity beyond just product listings.
    • Build out a comprehensive brand story, showcase your expertise and values, display brand videos and imagery, curate shoppable collections, and more.
    • Enhanced brand content improves click-throughs from your product pages to your store. It also strengthens brand awareness and trust as shoppers engage with your content before purchasing.
    • Ensure brand messaging is consistent across your website and Amazon store.
    • Make use of features to highlight products. Keep refining your brand story assets.
    • A polished, optimized brand page encourages conversions and loyalty.

    • Product reviews are make-or-break for conversions on Amazon. Recent data shows over 90% of shoppers read reviews before adding an item to their cart.
    • Make reviews a priority by politely asking satisfied buyers to leave feedback after receiving their order.
    • Be sure to follow up with an email reminder a few days after their purchase arrives.
    • Make sure you give some time to shoppers to check or use the item before asking or following up for reviews. Asking too early or too late often discourages shoppers from leaving any reviews on your products
    • Gathering more positive early reviews builds credibility and social proof for your brand while giving you control over the narrative.
    • This peer content is more meaningful than promotional material to persuade buyers.

    • Leverage all your brand's social media platforms and email subscriber base to drive more visitors to your Amazon listings.
    • Share product links, special offers, new arrivals, and curated gift guides. and other Amazon-specific content to followers on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
    • Sync your posts across channels for maximum exposure. Run occasional social promotions directing people to your Amazon store to browse featured products.
    • Also, link to your Amazon store prominently in your website and email footers so existing brand fans easily find you on Amazon.
    • Referral traffic converts well since they already know your brand.

  • While Amazon itself frowns on manipulative linking tactics, you can still build legitimate backlinks to your product pages to reinforce authority and rankings.
  • Create resources like how-to articles or video tutorials featuring your product, then host them on your site and promote them across industry blogs and publications.
  • Link back to the Amazon listing naturally within the content.
  • PR outreach to relevant media sites can also yield earned media links.
  • You need to focus on building contextual, high-authority backlinks that deliver value instead of spammy links. Quality over quantity is key for Amazon SEO.
  • Amazon Search Engine Optimization Process: Our Workflow

    Our Amazon SEO company is customer-oriented, which means every step we take is in your best interests. Here is how we work:

    Requirement Gathering & Analysis

    The first step in our Amazon SEO process is thoroughly analyzing your current business and goals in the marketplace. We conduct in-depth meetings to understand your products, brand positioning, target customers, past performance, and vision for business growth on Amazon. Our experts audit your existing Amazon presence, identifying strengths to leverage and pain points to improve. Competitor research uncovers their Amazon SEO strategies and where you can differentiate and set your brand apart. We gather all the insights needed to craft a data-driven SEO and content strategy tailored to your unique requirements.

    Research & Amazon SEO Strategy

    With research data in our hands, our team develops a comprehensive Amazon SEO strategy aligned to your business objectives. We define targets for increasing rankings, traffic, conversions, and sales based on your growth goals. Our Amazon SEO specialists select the highest potential keywords and content topics that will propel your success. We outline new optimized on-page elements like product titles, features, and descriptions as well as off-page tactics to build authority. You receive a detailed proposal outlining our strategic approach, deliverables timeline, and projected ROI so you know what to expect.

    Amazon SEO Implementation

    The Amazon SEO strategy now shifts to tactical implementation. Our SEO team overhauls the on-page elements of your product listings and brand store to maximize keywords and conversion rate optimization. Our content team crafts engaging, benefit-focused copy for new descriptions, brand narratives, and other content assets. Optimized brand content, metadata, and blogs not only drive more organic traffic but also engagement. Technical SEO specialists ensure your backend settings are configured for peak performance. We strategically execute activities to improve rankings and visibility.

    Performance Tracking

    Throughout implementation, we monitor rankings across targeted keyword phrases to track SEO progress. Our analysts keep a pulse on important metrics like click-through rates, rankings, bounce rate, pages per session, and conversion rates. We dig into data on traffic surges and engagement with new content assets. Regular tracking identifies opportunities to further optimize elements and build on positive momentum. It allows us to know what works and what doesn’t. Continuous monitoring and agile adjustment keep your Amazon presence aligned with the evolving A9 search algorithm and shopper needs.

    Ongoing Amazon SEO

    Amazon SEO is an ongoing process to achieve desired results and go further. After initial implementation, our SEO specialists continuously analyze new keywords and product categories with growth potential for you. We refine existing content with localization and customization for different global Amazon marketplaces. Our team oversees new product launches to ensure maximized discoverability out of the gate. We monitor competitor Amazon marketing strategies and marketplace trends to keep you ahead. Ongoing SEO and content improvement cement your authority and visibility over the long term.

    Amazon SEO Monthly Report

    We provide detailed monthly reporting recapping SEO progress, trends, data insights, and next steps. See where you rank for targeted keywords and how visibility is expanding. Track month-over-month growth in organic traffic and conversions that are driven by our efforts. Review top-performing content and listings as well as areas needing additional optimization. Your custom monthly report enables tracking of what we are doing with complete transparency. Our experts analyze results and provide recommendations to build on wins and seize new opportunities. Our reporting ensures you maximize ROI on Amazon SEO.

    Amazon SEO and Keyword Research Tools We Use

    Google Keyword Planner

    Google Keyword Planner

    Ahrefs SEO tools


    SEMrush SEO tools


    Amazon Brand Analytics

    Amazon Brand Analytics

    Buzz Sumo tools

    Buzz Sumo

    Screaming Frog

    Screaming Frog

    Let’s discuss your Amazon SEO goals and skyrocket your sales on Amazon.

    Frequently Asked Questions on Amazon SEO Services

    Amazon SEO refers to optimizing your product listings and brand store content to maximize visibility and sales on Amazon. It works by making changes to elements like product titles, descriptions, images, videos, categories, and back-end details so your listings appear higher in Amazon's search results. Higher ranking for targeted keywords means your brand and products get seen and clicked on more by shoppers searching Amazon. This increased visibility drives more traffic to your store, and with compelling, strategic SEO content, higher conversions and sales.

    Yes, Amazon SEO differs from traditional SEO in a few key ways. Because Amazon itself is the platform driving searches and rankings within its marketplace, you have less control over on-page factors than with organic SEO. Amazon's complex and often shifting algorithm also requires specialized optimization tactics tailored for their platform compared to standard SEO best practices. Things like back-end keyword tags play a bigger role. And buyer intent is much higher on Amazon so the SEO focus is more conversion driven.

    SEO is necessary for any brand selling on Amazon looking to maximize sales. With millions of products and intensifying competition, optimizing your listings for visibility is necessary to get found by buyers and drive conversions. Large or small, unknown or established, every seller needs SEO to rank higher than competitors for their target keywords and product categories. Even brands with existing name recognition still need SEO to directly reach customers seeking their specific product offerings on Amazon. SEO ultimately provides the visibility to turn Amazon's vast buyer base into paying customers.

    The main benefits of Amazon SEO include increased product visibility on the platform, greater brand awareness among shoppers, higher click-through rates on product listings, increased website traffic from Amazon, boosted conversion rates leading to more sales, larger market share in competitive categories, stronger brand authority and trust, and ultimately greater revenue and profits on the influential e-commerce giant.

    Thorough keyword research ensures your products target the terms shoppers are actually using to search for items like yours on Amazon. Optimizing your listings and brand store content around keywords that customers search shows Amazon relevancy for ranking. It also means your brand appears when buyers are actively looking for your products. With the right keywords in product titles, features, descriptions, and backend, your product listings gain visibility in those searches leading to more clicks and sales. Ongoing keyword analysis is crucial for staying discoverable.

    Amazon's A9 algorithm evaluates countless factors to determine search rankings, so SEO strategies must align with what the algorithm deems important. This includes optimizing titles and backend for relevant keywords, writing compelling descriptions that engage shoppers, obtaining positive reviews, proper product categorization, competitive pricing, high-quality images, sufficient inventory levels, and fast shipping times. We stay up-to-date on the latest A9 shifts to refine tactics accordingly. The goal is to create the ideal shopping experience from the algorithm’s perspective while conveying your product’s value to buyers.

    Our multi-faceted approach includes in-depth keyword research to identify terms with high search volume and low competition that are relevant to your products. We optimize on-page elements like titles, features, descriptions, and images around those keywords. Our content team creates engaging descriptions that entice shoppers to learn more and purchase. We ensure proper categorization so you appear across multiple product browsing categories. Converting visitors into reviews helps improve conversions. We build high-quality backlinks from authoritative, relevant sites to reinforce your brand’s authority with Amazon's algorithm.

    When you hire our Amazon SEO services, you can expect to see initial results within 2 months in the form of improved keyword rankings, increased organic traffic, and a higher conversion rate. However, achieving more competitive rankings for your top target keywords can take 3-6 months of continual optimization and authority building. We utilize agile Amazon SEO strategies to gain quick wins while also implementing longer-term tactics for sustainable results. Within 6 months, you can expect a significant improvement in visibility and sales. The key is sticking with the process as Amazon SEO takes time to build upon itself and compound results. We’ll provide monthly reports so you can track progress.

    Pricing varies based on the size of your catalog, how much content requires creation, the competitiveness of your niche, and the speed of results desired. At Media Search Group, the cost of Amazon SEO packages varies from $149 to $1,299 monthly. We offer flexible packages that provide the level of support and optimization suited to your brand’s unique needs and budget. Our specialists can assess your current Amazon presence and goals to suggest a customized Amazon SEO solution. With our expertise, Amazon SEO provides a strong return on investment through expanded visibility, traffic, and sales.

    Some key factors that impact Amazon search rankings include:

    • Relevant keywords in listings metadata and content
    • Compelling and optimized title tags
    • Informative product features and detailed descriptions
    • Positive customer reviews and ratings
    • High-quality product images
    • Appropriate categorization and browsing relationship
    • Price competitiveness
    • Seller performance metrics like fast shipping and responsiveness
    • Number and authority of backlinks
    • Shopper click and conversion behaviors
    Amazon's algorithm analyzes these among many other elements.

    Have any Question and Need to Talk with Us Directly.